*** WooCommerce Square Changelog *** 2017-12-13 - version 1.0.24 * Fix - In some cases rounding issues occur causing payment unable to process. * Update - WC tested up to version. * Add - Readme.txt. 2017-11-10 - version 1.0.23 * Add - WC minimum requirements in header. * Fix - WC Product sometimes is not a proper object preventing sync. * Fix - PHP 7 notice with amount not cast an int. 2017-09-06 - version 1.0.22 * Tweak - Increase inventory polling cache and add timeout limit. * Fix - CRON scheduling time not using UTC causes delay in CRON job. 2017-07-26 - version 1.0.21 * Fix - Non decimal place price such as Japanese Yen is not formatted properly when syncing Square to WC. 2017-06-29 - version 1.0.20 * Fix - Schedule sale price not updating on Square when sale is over. * Fix - Pass price to Square tax exclusive instead of inclusive. * Fix - Create customer error on payments when phone number is not provided. * Update - Settings location description to be more clear. 2017-06-06 - version 1.0.19 * Fix - Sync currency amounts that do not contain decimals correctly. 2017-05-19 - version 1.0.18 * Fix - Better logic of sale price on WC when syncing so it doesn't override regular price unintented. * Fix - If image exists for a product, don't sync the image to prevent duplicated images being created. * Fix - Enable status not showing for Square payments in gateway list. 2017-05-08 - version 1.0.17 * Fix - WC 3.0 debug tools compatibility. * Add - Support for Japan market. 2017-03-31 - version 1.0.16 * Add - Confirmation message before bulk sync. * Add - Cron schedules for when product stock changes instead of firing off immediately. 2017-03-27 - version 1.0.15 * Update - Additional updates for WooCommerce 3.0.0 compatibility. * Add - Support for UK market. 2017-03-13 - version 1.0.14 * Fix - When multiple notify emails are set, causes 500 server error. * Fix - Sync issues when syncing large datasets. * Fix - Sync item with no sku sometimes gets corrupted with other item data. * Update - WooCommerce 3.0.0 compatibility. 2017-01-17 - version 1.0.13 * Add - Support for Australian markets. 2017-01-09 - version 1.0.12 * Fix - When syncing inventory WC to Square, stock level becomes zero. 2016-10-26 - version 1.0.11 * Fix - When WC API is used, it can cause duplicate WC API Exception. 2016-10-14 - version 1.0.10 * Update - Make sure Square only works for US and CA merchants. 2016-09-12 - version 1.0.9 * Fix - Normalize price when syncing Square to WC to prevent errors. * Add - Option to disable sync per product. 2016-09-08 - version 1.0.8 * Add - WC Products CRUD to replace REST API for creating products to prevent interference with wc-api. * Add - Filter to add custom DOM elements for payments to render payment form "woocommerce_square_payment_form_trigger_element". * Fix - Payments token expiration was not handled correctly due to using API v2. 2016-08-30 - version 1.0.7 * Tweak - Replace all wp_remote_requests with raw cURL. * Fix - In IE, the browser won't replace iFrame form fields when it is hidden. 2016-08-27 - version 1.0.6 * Add - Clear cache/transient tool in system status->tool. * Fix - Prevent infinite loop when polling Square inventory. 2016-08-25 - version 1.0.5 * Fix - Image not syncing when using wp_remote_request. Changed to raw cURL. 2016-08-19 - version 1.0.4 * Tweak - Payment form field styles. * Add - woocommerce_square_payment_input_styles filter to allow manipulation of the form styles. * Fix - When duplicating product in WC, it replaces the original product on Square. * Fix - In FireFox, the browser won't replace iFrame form fields when it is hidden. 2016-08-16 - version 1.0.3 * Fix - When duplicating product in WC, it replaces the original product on Square. * Fix - oAuth tokens were not renewing properly. 2016-08-04 - version 1.0.2 * Update - HTTP protocol to version 1.1 to prevent timeouts. 2016-08-01 - version 1.0.1 * Tweak - Make credit card form fields more responsive in mobile devices. * Fix - Square list endpoints may return duplicates, so put in place a check for that. 2016-07-26 - version 1.0.0 * First Release