*** WooCommerce Mix and Match Products Changelog*** 2023.12.16 - version 2.6.1 * Fix: Adding/editing container contents in Order admin. 2023.12.16 - version 2.6.0 * New: Declare support for Cart and Checkout blocks. * New: Initial support for Store API add container to cart. #474. * New: Extend product data response for Store API. Consumed by mini-extensions. * Fix: Child product modal gallerys due to core WooCommerce using the Script API strategy feature to defer front-end scripts in WordPress 6.3+. * Tweak: CSS rules for notices in Twenty Twentyfour theme. 2023.12.09 - version 2.5.2 * Fix: Properly close markup after edit in cart link. 2023.12.01 - version 2.5.1 * Fix: Incorrect validation always preventing packs containing any sold individually child item from being added to cart. #516. * Tweak: Use wc_mnm_is_product_container_type() in store API class for future extensibility. * Tweak: Always add the validation context as data attribute on to the form. 2023.09.27 - version 2.5.0 * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 8.2.0. * Fix: Update all templates for safer string escaping. * Fix: Update KIA Customizer Range Input package to better limit number of columns in Customizer input. * Fix: Prevent overfilling of pack on pre-filled packes (pre-filled by URL param). * Fix: Enqueue order editing scripts on Subscriptions page when using HPOS. * Tweak: Use admin theme colors in product edit admin. * Tweak: Slight change to when global mix and match product object is generated in edit screen. 2023.07.11 - version 2.4.10 * Fix: Format the container line total for per-item priced containers with correct decimal setting in the cart block. * Fix: Order item editing script not loaded on HPOS new order page. * Fix: Introduce WC_MNM_Core_Compatibility::get_post_or_object_meta() to better support older versions of WC. * Fix: Suppress item removed popup notifications for child items in Cart Block when Container is removed. #505. * Tweak: Important: The 'Form Location' option is no longer supported when using a block theme. Use the following snippet to force its use: 'add_filter( 'wc_mnm_has_legacy_product_template', '__return_true' );' #503. * Tweak: Hide points and rewards message when container has a minimum of 0 points. * Tweak: Rename css class for child items in documents generated by Print Invoices and Packing lists. 2023.07.03 - version 2.4.9 * Fix: Problem with plus/minus buttons not being able to reset back to 0. * Fix: Default to using Astra's plus/minus buttons when active. 2023.06.28 - version 2.4.8 * Fix: Prevent double display of "Edit Selections" button that was introduced by WooCommerce 7.8. 2023.06.27 - version 2.4.7 * Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Attempt to modify property "data" in REST API product response in PHP 8.1. 2023.06.13 - version 2.4.6 * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 7.7.0. * Fix: Use `registerCheckoutFilters` graduated filter in Blocks plugin. * Fix: Use WC_MNM_Helpers:get_supported_product_types() to define excluded product types automatically in metabox product selector. * Fix: Allow input quantity to decrease if the container is overfill for any reason. * Fix: Update single-product/mnm/mnm-product-quantity.php template to remove errant markup. * Fix: Legacy meta class fatal error when trying to read Pre-1.10 data. * Fix: Hide child item's stock remaining when parent is out of stock. #499. * Dev: Rename `wc_mnm_supported_products` filter to `wc_mnm_supported_product_types` 2023.04.24 - version 2.4.5 * Fix: Compatibility with Astra theme's quick view feature. * Dev: Move conditional logic for customizer settings to their respective callback functions for broader compatibility. 2023.04.24 - version 2.4.4 * New: Add `wc_mnm_child_item_rest_response` filter to customize REST response of child items. * Fix: Change front end script event listeners to catch pure Javascript events on the quantity inputs. 2023.03.02 - version 2.4.3 * Fix: Vertical alignment of quantity inputs in grid mode (for most themes). * Fix: Tweak WoodMart theme module to support different column numbers. 2023.03.01 - version 2.4.2 * Fix: Previous quantity is not correctly calculated when it's 0. #495. * Fix: Declare table display for table element. 2023.02.10 - version 2.4.1 * New: Add string to prompt users to change configuration when editing container. * Fix: Switch admin notes check to a daily schedule. 2023.02.09 - version 2.4.0 * New: Optional mobile-optimized layout for small screens, see settings in Customizer. * New: Optional plus/minus buttons, see settings in Customizer. * New: Display category description when listing child products by category. * Fix: Reapply discounts/coupons after editing a Mix and Match product in order admin. * Dev: Move category title text to a template. * Dev: Move template includes from after_setup_theme to template_redirect hook for better compat with Customzier. * Dev: Refactor WC_Mix_and_Match_Stock_Manager and WC_MNM_Child_Item classes. Eliminate need to re-instantiate product objects and easier extensibility for validating in other contexts (such as weight). But extreme caution if you were using these classes for any custom purposes. 2023.01.19 - version 2.3.1 * Fix - Fixed double subscription discount on container cart prices when using per-item pricing. #434. 2023.01.16 - version 2.3.0 * IMPORTANT: PHP 7.2 is required. * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 7.3.0. * New: Separate out "X in stock" remaining text and display in child item details, updated single-product/mnm/mnm-product-quantity.php template. * Fix: Correctly parse hierarchical child category IDs. Closes #470. * Fix: Add static className to item data for better blocks compat. Closes #468. * Fix: Missing export data for layout override and weight calculation. * Fix: Flatsome compatibility for equal-height product images. * Fix: Disable per-product overrides when viewing customizer. * Fix: Default value of customizer settings for show thumbnails/short-description. * Fix: Fixed a fatal error that was triggered when using PHP v8 and using Cart/Checkout Blocks. * Fix: Rename tabular layout 'product-name' header cell to 'product-details'. * Tweak: Audit CSS styles to remove as much explicit padding/margin as possible. * Tweak: Add a close icon to font family for use by mini-extensions. * Tweak: Add woocommerce_product_loop_title_classes filter for parity with core. * Tweak: Adjust front-end styles for mobile first. * Tweak: Center align quantity inputs in Storefront theme. * Tweak: container.child_items in script is now an ARRAY. Please check if doing very advanced custom Javascript modifications. * Dev: Rename WC_MNM_Container.validation_context property to validation_mode. * Dev: Re-key wc_mnm_child_item_data_attributes to not use 'data-' prefix. It will be auto-added. * Dev: Introduce wc_mnm_center_align_quantity filter. 2022.11.07 - version 2.2.2 * Fix: Double-charging for child items when ordering again. #466. * Fix: Front-end validation allow overfilled container to be reduced. #461. * Fix: Child Category IDs are not imported. #467. * Tweak: Make get_child_item_by_product_id() method public. 2022.10.24 - version 2.2.1 * Tweak: Use core cart functions for detecting parent/child relationships in cart item filters. * Tweak: Add wrapping when doing wc_ajax_mnm_update_container_order_item. For compat with mini-extensions. * Tweak: Admin edit orders, handle updates with no changes. 2022.10.24 - version 2.2.0 * Important: mnm-add-to-cart-wrap.php template is deprecated. * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 7.0.0. * Update: Declare compatibility with High Performance Order Tables (HPOS). * New: Convert container order item editing to use reuasable ajax callbacks and templates. Fixes display issues in admin and allows for extensibility. * New: Add get_permalink() and get_title() methods/filters to WC_MNM_Child_Item class. * New: 2nd parameter to WC_Product_MNM_Data_Store_CPT::query_child_items_by_container() to optionally change format of returned data. * New: Add `wc_mnm_category_caption` hook for displaying info about the category titles when using category contents. * Fix: Invalid array_key_exists() syntax in custom db 2.0 upgrade function. * Fix: Flatsome theme grid classes. * Fix: Stop saving duplicate meta keys. Upgrade routine to clean up duplicate data. * Fix: Restore photoSwipe modal for themes that support it. * Fix: Thumbnail and short description live previews in Customizer. * Fix - Prevent child item stock from being reduced when editing Mix and Match products in configurable orders. * Tweak: Change CoCart validation to use built-in validation methods. NB: This means the loss of CoCart specific-filters/error codes, please test accordingly. * Tweak: Remove quantity inputs for child items in cart block (show per container quantity in title). * Tweak: Change selections config to per-container quantity in checkout block. * Tweak: Add styles to order edit modal. * Dev: Modify $.wc_mnm_form() script to 1. not require passing objects to initialize, 2. define properties in intialize() method so they can be reattached. 3. return the current element for script chaining. * Dev: Introduce `wc_mnm_product_container_types` filter for testing if product is Mix and Match type. For future extensibilty. * Dev: Admin functions for generating enhanced searches and toggle fields. * Dev: Admin Simplify relational hide/show fields in metabox via classnames. * Dev: Introduce wc_mnm_form_classes filter for
element classes. 2022.09.05 - version 2.1.3 * Fix: Fatal error in update cart validation via CoCart * Tweak: Add check that product still exists in update cart validation. 2022.08.31 - version 2.1.2 * New: Child item step validation on the front-end. * Fix: Quantity input should default to child minimum if one exists. * Fix: Add aria-live="polite" on status message. * Fix: Apply Flatsome compatibility classes only in grid layout. * Tweak: Animate toast-style error notices for individual child items. * Tweak: Add query_id parameter to wc_get_products() params when querying child items by category. 2022.08.09 - version 2.1.1 * Fix: Double-application of taxes in front-end status price display. * Fix: Replace deprecated jQuery.isFunction() 2022.07.25 - version 2.1.0 * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.7.0. * New: Filter woocommerce_subscriptions_switch_link_text in Subs 4.5.0 * New: Add `wc_mnm_editing_container_in_order_configuration` filter. * Fix: Add validation to editing container configuration in order admin. * Fix: Only apply switch link changes to Mix and Match products. * Fix: Quantity input display when min=max. #438. * Fix: Fatal error in admin notices - WC_MNM_Install does not exist when WooCommerce is not active. * Fix: One Page Checkout compatibility with full-width display. #441. * Tweak: Make reset link behaves more like "clear". * Tweak: Remove duplicate value attribute from add to cart button. * Tweak: Add alt class to reset button. * Dev: Add support for changing frontend validation messages based on context. 2022.07.12 - version 2.0.10 * Fix: Fatal error in cart, undefined function esc_html__x(). * Fix: version_compare() with null as first param is deprecated in php 8.1 #436 * Fix: Metabox link to run upgrade, will actually run upgrade and not scroll to top. #435 * Fix: Do not prompt upgrade routine on new installs. 2022.07.06 - version 2.0.9 * New: Introduce subscription switching text string setting for customizing text of subscription switch link for Mix and Match products. * Fix: Support displaying SVG icons directly in metabox, better support for alternative layouts. * Fix: Reorder validation so max messages are used when min=0 and max=X. * Fix: Magic getter passthrough for product methods on child item object. 2022.06.27 - version 2.0.8 * Fix: Limit loop classes in OceanWP theme compat to grid layout. 2022.06.15 - version 2.0.7 * Important: Slight spacing tweaks in a few strings. Double-check translations. * New: Introduce Flatsome theme compat module. Closes #350. * Fix: Min/Max Quantities compat - unset group by quantity as minimum. Closes #316. * Fix: Don't run foreign key ALTER sql when updating if foreign keys already exist. Removes DB error in log. Closes #426. * Fix: Update foreign keys to use database prefix. * Tweak: Add [Frontend] context to customer-facing translatable strings. 2022.06.13 - version 2.0.6 * Fix: When discounting from sale price, use regular price to calculate discounted price if product has empty sale price. Restores strikethrough discount html. * Fix: PHP notice for undefined $price variable in sale price filter. * Fix: Support grid styles in quickview modal in Storefront theme. * Tweak: Change strings and buttons to use "edit|reset selections" instead of "configuration" * Tweak: Astra support for mobile grids. * Tweak: Use h4 headings for child product titles. * Tweak: Remove styles from reset button, inherit from theme button styles. * Tweak: Refine Mix and Match configuration display in cart block. 2022.06.10 - version 2.0.5 * Fix - Load order/dependencies for the Cart and Checkout blocks scripts. * New - Display container config in mini cart. 2022.06.09 - version 2.0.4 * Fix: Missing child item configuration in ShipStation. * Fix: Incorrect cumulative package weight calculation when packed together. 2022.06.08 - version 2.0.3 * Fix: Fatal error with All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions < 3.2. * Tweak: Apply style rules by class only and not by list elements. * Tweak: Add compatibility module for WoodMart theme. * Tweak: Remove wrapping div from add to cart button. * Tweak: Change success class to woocommerce-message. * Dev: Add wc_mnm_grid_has_flex_layout filter. 2022.06.06 - version 2.0.2 * Fix: Fatal error not enough parameters sent to woocommerce_paypal_payments_product_supports_payment_request_button callback. * Fix: Update zip build routine to always include the block scripts! 2022.06.06 - version 2.0.1 * Fix: Fatal error WC_MNM_PayPal_Compatibility class not found. 2022.06.06 - version 2.0.0 * IMPORTANT: Allowed contents/child items are stored in their own table. - This is a major change to data storage. Please backup your database before upgrading. * Required: WordPress 4.7 is required. * Required: WooCommerce 3.6 is required. * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.5.0. * New: Support for WooCommerce Cart/Checkout blocks. * New: Support for selecting allowed contents by category. * New: Compatibility with All Products for Subscriptions. * New: Set global styles for Mix and Match products in the Customizer. * New: Separate template for the add to cart button. * New: Updated mix and match shipping interface in admin metabox. * New: Add theme support modules for Astra, Avada, OceanWP, X themes. * Dev: Add wc_mnm_loop_classes filter to add custom classes to mix and match loop. * Dev: Add wc_mnm_child_item_classes filter to add custom CSS to child items. * Dev: Add wc_mnm_child_item_data_attributes filter to add custom data attributes to child items. * Dev: Deprecated mix and match product class methods - get_children(), get_available_children(), get_contents(), set_contents(), has_children(), has_available_children(), get_child_quantity(), get_child_availability_html(), maybe_apply_discount_to_child() * Dev: BREAKING! formatting change for results of WC_Product_Mix_and_Match::get_layout_options() and WC_Product_Mix_and_Match::get_add_to_cart_form_location_options() * Dev: Rename all action hooks with wc_mnm_ prefix. woocommerce_mnm_ hooks are deprecated but should still work. * Dev: Rename all filters with wc_mnm_ prefix. woocommerce_mnm_ filters are deprecated but should still work. 2022.05.02 - version 1.12.1 * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.5.0. * Fix: Import/export of child variations. * Dev: Add update warning notice for when 2.0 is released. 2022.01.28 - version 1.12.0 * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.1.0. * Note: This release is largely targeted towards improved compatibility with mini-extensions. If you are using any mini-extensions, please look to see if there's an update. * Dev: Frontend refactor container config to be array of objects. container.api.get_container_config( 'v2' ) to fetch new array[]{ product_id: 99, product_qty: 3 } . * Dev: Add parameter to wc_mnm_template_add_to_cart() to optionally call add to cart template for a specific product. Improved compatibility with mini-extensions, ie: Grouped MNM. * Dev: Revamp frontend price/rounding formatting functions to accept custom args. * Dev: Frontend calculate totals and subtotals from config instead of HTML inputs. This will allow for compat with custom layouts, ie: Select Layouts. * Dev: Pass false to 'wc-mnm-reset-configuration' triggerHandler to disable update_container(). Also related to compat for custom layouts. 2021.12.16 - version 1.11.6 * Fix: Missing action parameter in add to cart form element. * Fix: Completely remove WooCommerce Payments payment request buttons for Mix and Match products. 2021.11.19 - version 1.11.5 * Fix: Load RTL stylesheets when not in SCRIPT_DEBUG mode. * Fix: Load correct stylesheet when in QuickView Modal. * Tweak: Moved 'add-to-cart' input value to button. 2021.11.11 - version 1.11.4 * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 5.9.0. * Fix: Hide PayPal Payments payment request buttons for Mix and Match products. * Fix: Hide WooCommerce Payments payment request buttons for Mix and Match products. * Tweak: Display quantity in child product title if min and max allowed quantities are the same. * Tweak: Wrap main quantity input and add to cart button in div element. 2021.09.21 - version 1.11.3 * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 5.6.0. * Fix: Add woocommerce_product_has_options core filter to WC_Product_Mix_and_Match class. * Fix: Only validate container stock if config is still valid. Resolves issue with empty containers getting added to cart via ajax. * Fix: Quick view support for products with "after summary" forms. * New: Add wc_mnm_show_edit_it_cart_link filter. Return false to hide "edit" link in cart. Requires Quick View 1.5.0. 2021.06.11 - version 1.11.2 * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 5.4.0. * New: Enable support for Stripe payment requests in carts that contain a Mix and Match product. * Fix: Compatibility with PayPal Express Smart buttons. Requires WooCommerce PayPal Express gateway plugin v1.6.21. 2021.04.28 - version 1.11.1 * Fix: 1.10.0 database upgrade routine failures when updating 20+ Mix and Match products. 22021.03.23 - version 1.11.0 * New: Use _prime_post_caches() to boost speed of fetching child products. * Fix: Only add indent wrapping div to product name if it doesn't already exist. Prevent multiple sub-arrows from displaying when coupons fail. * Fix: Php 8 compat: Required parameter follows optional parameter. * Fix: Fixed PHP warnings about admin notices. * Fix: Add margin reset to
in single product page. * Dev: Add get_props_to_meta_keys() getter to data store class. 2020-12.07 - version 1.10.6 * Fix - Grand total calculations for containers + Product Addons. * Fix - Prevent double discounts when discounting from sale price. * Fix - Harden calls to init gallery on child product images to prevent Uncaught TypeError: .wc_product_gallery is not a function. * Fix - Use wc_product_class() for opening child item divs/rows. Restores compat with filters mini-extension. * Fix - Min/Max Quantities compatibility - ignore rules on variations too. * Fix - Add RTL Language style data. 2020.11.18 - version 1.10.5 * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 4.7.0. * Fix: Support Min/Max Quantities Variation level min/max rules. * Fix: CoCart integration configuration support for variation IDs in container. * Fix: Fix compatibility with Validate by Weight mini-extension. 2020.10.16 - version 1.10.4 * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 4.6.0. * Fix: Restore compatibility with One Page Check single product template. * Fix: Harden is_child_supported_product_type() helper in case $product is false (ie, product no longer exists,etc) * Fix: pass container object to wc-mnm-container-quantities-updated trigger in front end script 2020.09.29 - version 1.10.3 * New: Add ability to configure the contents of a Mix and Match container in editable/manually-created subscriptions. * Fix: PHP notice when adding to cart with any child products out of stock. 2020.09.09 - version 1.10.2 * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 4.5.0. * New: add has_options() method to product class for better compat with blocks. * Fix: Elementor style rule, force Elementor to display MNM form as a block instead of flex layout. * Fix: Fix incorrect shipping state on child items in manually created orders. * Tweak: Add confirm alert to clear selections button. * Tweak: Change "Clear selection" to "Clear selections". 2020.08.25 - version 1.10.1 * Fix: Validate stock against quantity already in the cart. 2020.07.24 - version 1.10.0 * IMPORTANT: Includes a Database update so please make a database backup before proceeding. * New: REST API support for Mix and Match properties in product and order responses. * New: Compatibility with CoCart plugin. Props @seb86! * Dev: Change boot method so that `class_exists('WC_Mix_and_Match')` reliably determines if the plugin is active. * Dev: Deprecate woocommerce_mnm_order_item_part_of_meta_name filter * Dev: Change "Container size", "Part of", and "Purchased with" order item meta keys to "mnm_container_size", "mnm_part_of", and "mnm_purchased_with" * Fix: Repair mnm_data meta data save routine. 2020.07.09 - version 1.9.13 * Fix: Update plugin header with tested up to WooCommerce 4.3.0. 2020.07.09 - version 1.9.12 * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 4.3.0. * Fix: Fatal error in cart subtotals for Mix and Match container and child products with WC 4.3.0. 2020.06.25 - version 1.9.11 * Fix: Delete accidental logging when container is not purchasable. 2020.06.24 - version 1.9.10 * Fix: Add parameter to wc_mnm_price_format() to return string without HTML. Resolves html in dropdown for All Products with Subscriptions (with bridge plugin). 2020.06.20 - version 1.9.9 * Fix: Make reset button work when editing quantities in cart/after add to cart. * Tweak: Deprecate maybe_sync() method. Check handled by sync(). 2020.06.15 - version 1.9.8 * Fix: Exclude build tools from zip file. Reducing zip file size. * Fix: Force saving the base price if it doesn't exist. 2020.06.07 - version 1.9.7 * Fix: Stray comma causing parse error in thumbnail template. 2020.06.06 - version 1.9.6 * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 4.2.0. * Fix: Add product ID as value attribute to add to cart button. Better compatibility with some ajax add to cart theme scripts. * Fix: Incorrect display in cart price column for products with per-item pricing. * New: Add wc_mnm_product_thumbnail_link_classes filter for changing lightbox trigger classes. 2020.05.21 - version 1.9.5 * Fix: Incorrect initialization of the photoSwipe scripts! * Fix: Prevent linking to thumbnails if theme does not support `wc-product-gallery-lightbox`. * Fix: Inherit thumbnail of variable product when variation does not have a thumbnail. 2020.05.16 - version 1.9.4 * New: Add lightbox on thumbnails if theme supports wc-product-gallery-lightbox. * Fix: Remove orphaned child products from cart if parent container is removed. * Fix: Update Product Addons totals when quantity config changes. * Tweak: Switch mnm-quantity class to itself. 2020.05.08 - version 1.9.3 * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 4.1.0. * Fix: Child products losing style indent when cart it updated. * Tweak: Stop center-aligning product details. Inherit styles from theme. 2020.04.23 - version 1.9.2 * Fix: Check if cart is set before trying to access cart_contents. * Fix: Use native functions to get parent container versus searching cart directly. * Tweak: Add product_id as data attribute to add to cart button, to help some themes that add ajax add to cart. * Tweak: Auto load certain properties if not defined. * Tweak: Instead of resetting to minium quantity value, set to original value attribute. * Tweak: Add broader support for checkbox/dropdown input types. 2020.04.11 - version 1.9.1 * New: add wc_mnm_before_sync hook * New: Prepare for compatibility with PayPal Express Smart buttons when PayPal Express gateway plugin updates. * Fix: Fix broken woocommerce_product_add_to_cart_text core filter. * Tweak: Simplify error message HTML markup in mnm-add-to-cart-wrap.php template. * Tweak: Hide error message on load if JS is enabled. * Dev: Add configuration to add to cart button as data attribute for potential ajax add to cart usage. 2020.03.20 - version 1.9.0 * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 4.0.0. * Fix: Script errors when multiple forms are on the same page. * New: Quantity inputs are empty by default, use WC4 placeholders. * New: Filter for getting the posted configuration. * New: Dynamic filter for validating container based on context. * New: Script supports passing custom configuration when triggering container update. * New: Filter the child item's configuration data. * Fix: Check child cart item is set in cart before accessing. 2020.01.06 - version 1.8.0 * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 3.9.0. * Fix: Add min/max size keys to WPML config. * Fix: Fatal error when all child contents are out of stock and out of stock products are hidden. * Fix: Fatal error calculating prices when all child contents are out of stock. * Fix: Do not show add to cart button when no contents are available. * Fix: Hide quantity inputs when the parent container is not available. * New: Introduce woocommerce_mnm_content_loop hook. 2019.12.03 - version 1.7.2 * Fix min/max compat. Only restore original values when "ignore min/max" rules is set. 2019.11.19 - version 1.7.1 * Fix - Fatal error from incorrectly named Wishlists compatibility module. * Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 3.7.0. 2019.10.23 - version 1.7.0 * New - Add ability to configure the contents of a Mix and Match container in editable/manually-created orders. 2019.08.06 - version 1.6.0 * Important - Added support for WooCommerce 3.7+. * Important - PHP 5.6.20+ is now required. * Fix: Incorrect error message when 1 quantity is selected. * Fix: Manually trigger product type change event in metabox on load. * Tweak - Ignore 'woocommerce_before_cart_item_quantity_zero' action under WC 3.7+. 2019.06.19 - version 1.5.1 * Fix: Print Invoice Compatibility - Do not remove bulk "Order #" headlines. * Tweak: Limit Name Your Price checkbox display control via "per-item pricing" to only Mix and Match products. 2019.04.15 - version 1.5.0 * Important: Dropped support for WooCommerce 3.0. * Important: Added support for WooCommerce 3.6+. * Tweak: Removed old WooCommerce Helper dependencies. * New: Stop saving "Part of" meta key. Use `add_filter( 'woocommerce_mnm_order_item_legacy_part_of_meta', '__return_true' );` to continue saving. * Fix: Correct discount calculations when not discounting product from regular price. 2019.03.22 - version 1.4.2 * Fix: Incorrect display in WooCommerce Print Invoices & Packing Lists 2019.02.26 - version 1.4.1 * New: Script auto-support any quantity type input * Fix: Script errors for custom quantity config * Fix: Script error for left/right space currency settings 2019.02.22 - version 1.4.0 * NOTICE: Add to cart script heavily refactored. If extending, please test integrations in staging environment before updating. * New: Support a percentage container discount when in per-item pricing mode. * New: Ability to edit a container's configruation from the cart. * New: WooCommerce Print Invoices & Packing Lists compatibility. * New: Scripts support handling of price suffix with front-end calculation of taxes. * New: Filter woocommerce_mnm_child_quantity_input_args to change args for only Mix and Matched item quantity selector. * Fix: Order Again support for WooCommerce 3.5 . * Fix: Add discount, layout, form location fields to import/export. * Fix: Handling of Mix and Match content data during import/export. * Fix: Incorrect price strings in certain instances * Tweak: Vertical alignment of quantity inputs 2018.11.04 - version 1.3.4 * Fix: Fatal error with Product Addons 3.0, insufficient arguments passed to woocommerce_add_cart_item_data * Fix: Fatal call to undefined method error on product save when updating constant is defined. * Fix: Hide reset link when item has not been configured 2018.07.09 - version 1.3.3 * New: Cache calculated prices at runtime * New: Add content in WP Privacy Policy Guide * Fix: Replace deprecated WC()->cart->get_cart_url() * Fix: Explicitly declare grid style inputs as block elements for theme's that don't * Fix: Add missing parameters to 'woocommerce_get_price_suffix' filter * Fix: Mobile cart styles * Tweak: Change thumbnail size to woocommerce_thumbnail. 2018.05.04 - version 1.3.2 * Fix: Replace deprecated WC()->cart->get_cart_url() 2018.05.02 - version 1.3.1 * New: Added woocommerce_mnm_tabular_column_headers filter to control table column headers 2018.04.09 - version 1.3.0 * Important - WooCommerce 2.X support dropped * New: New layout option, Grid layout! * New: New option for changing location of add to cart form. * New: Add support for WooCommerce product import/export. * Fix: wc_get_product() should include Mix and Match products * Fix: Shipstation integration. * Fix: Add blog ID to background updater to resolbve issues with DB updating in a WP MultiSite environment - see https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/18060 * Fix: Remove