*** Payson Changelog *** 2019.05.08 - version 1.7.4 * Tweak - Code cleaning. * Tweak - Log payment data sent to Payson. * Fix - Limit description sent to Payson to 128 characters. 2018.08.21 - version 1.7.3 * Tweak - Store order number sent to Payson as _payson_sent_tracking_id if not equal to order_id. Adds posibility to support any Sequential order number plugin. * Fix - Fix fatal error related to Sequential Order Numbers compatibility. 2018.08.14 - version 1.7.2 * Fix - Avoid PHP error on empty IPN callback. * Tweak - Improved logging in IPN callback. * Tweak - Don’t change order status on IPN callback if Woo order status is already set to On hold (along with Processing and Completed). 2018.05.24 - version 1.7.1 * Feature - Added support for wp_add_privacy_policy_content (for GDPR compliance). More info: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/attachment/ticket/43473/PRIVACY-POLICY-CONTENT-HOOK.md. 2017.12.07 - version 1.7.0 * Feature - Added order management (cancel and activate) in Payson directly from WooCommerce for invoice payments. * Tweak - Renamed MD5 to API-key in settings. * Fix - Only include Krokedil compatibility functions if they not already exist (compat w other plugins). 2017.08.16 - version 1.6.7 * Fix - PHP7 division by zero error fix. Solves compatibility issue with Composite products extension. 2017.07.07 - version 1.6.6 * Fix - Remove php notice. * Fix - Improved callback/IPN handling to avoid callbacks from two different orders in Payson that has got the same order ID in WooCommerce. 2017.04.26 - version 1.6.5 * Fix - Removed error_reporting. * Misc - WooCommerce 3.0 Compatibility. * Misc - Dropped support for WooCommerce 2.5 and lower. 2016.06.08 - version 1.6.4 * Fix - Remove deprecated code - get_order_discount(). * Misc - WooCommerce 2.6 Compatibility. 2016.03.23 - version 1.6.3 * Tweak - Send each order row to Payson for direct payments (Paysondirect). Added setting for making it possible to only send order total as in previous versions. * Tweak - Adds Application ID sent to Payson. * Tweak - Send product name as max 128 characters to Payson to avoid error notice from Payson. * Fix - Fixed PHP notice for Sequential Order Numbers Pro helper function find_order_by_order_number() & instructions in order email. 2016.01.28 - version 1.6.2 * Fix - Fixes WooCommerce Sequential Order Number Pro compatibility. 2015.12.11 - version 1.6.1 * Tweak - Improved callback/IPN handling to avoid callbacks from two different orders in Payson that has got the same order ID in WooCommerce. * Tweak - Added Payson transaction id to $order->payment_complete(). 2015.11.23 - version 1.6 * Feature - Added setting (for both Invoice & Direct payment method) for merchants to add their personalized instructions in order confirmation emails sent to customer. * Tweak - Fixes an undefined variable notice in Invoice & Direct class. 2015.07.14 - version 1.5.2 * Tweak - Added check for Payson status PROCESSING in token callback to avoid displaying successful Order received page when the order isn't completed correctly. * Tweak - Added check for Payson status PENDING in token callback to avoid displaying successful Order received page when the order isn't completed correctly. * Tweak - Added check for Payson status PENDING in token callback to be able to catch and display the correct status for Guarantee payments. 2015.03.05 - version 1.5.1 * Fix - Switches to using wc_add_notice instead of add_error. 2015.01.30 - version 1.5 * Fix - Change in how Order ID is retrieved in token_callback. Better support for quicker order status changes when purchase is canceled/declined (Payson Direct). * Fix - Check for Payson status COMPLETED even in token callback (customer redirect back to store). * Fix - Added html_entity_decode() to URL's sent to Payson. * Tweak - Better formatting of error messages sent from Payson back to store. 2014.09.18 - version 1.4.9 * Misc - WooCommerce 2.2 Compatibility * Misc - Dropped support for 2.0.x * Feature - Added setting for whether to show the receipt page in Paysons checkout after completed purchase. * Tweak - Checking if payment already is marked as Processing or Completed in WC before marking it as failed on IPN callback from Payson. * Misc - Updated Payson lib files to latest version. 2014.06.24 - version 1.4.8 * Fix - Added get_order_id() function for better Sequential Order Numbers Pro support. 2014.02.04 - version 1.4.7 * Feature - Added support for Sequential Order Numbers Pro. * Tweak - Improved invoice fee display on checkout page (Payson invoice). * Fix - WooCommerce 2.1 compatibility 2013.11.15 - version 1.4.6 * Feature - Paysons test system can now be used. Updated Payson API (v1.1) in the plugin. * Bugfix - Better callback support when direct bank payments are being canceled/rejected. * Tweak - Confirmed that the plugin works with Paysons new payment window. * Tweak - Added apply_filters on AgentID, SellerEmail & MD5. 2013.04.22 - version 1.4.5 * Removed Shop base country check in function is_available() (in both Payson Direct and Payson Invoice). 2013.04.22 - version 1.4.4 * Bugfix - Updated check if invoice fee is used in function payson_add_invoice_fee_process() for Payson invoice. 2013.02.06 - version 1.4.3 * WC version 2.0 compat. 2012.12.12 - version 1.4.2 * Moved Icon declaration to the invoice class and direct class. Added apply_filters to icons so they could be overwritten. * Updated Payson lib files. Bug in currency sent to Payson (caused problems with Finland/EUR). 2012.12.05 - version 1.4.1 * Updater 2012.06.15 - version 1.4 * Bug fix in shipping calculation sent to Payson when shipping is taxable. 2012.04.26 - version 1.3 * Improved handlig of invoice fee for Payson Invoice. The gateway now uses a simple (hidden) product that acts as invoice fee. 2012.03.29 - version 1.2 * Bug fix in is_available(). * Better IPN handling for rejected payments. 2012.03.08 - version 1.1 * Changed from Payson Agent Integration to Payson API * Added Payson Invoice * Added Payson Guarantee feature * Added Woo Updater 2011.09.27 - version 1.0 * First Release