*** Freshdesk for WooCommerce Changelog *** 2024-03-26 - version 1.3.1 * Tweak - Change plugin name to Freshdesk for WooCommerce * Tweak - Update brand to Kestrel 2023-07-27 - version 1.3.0 * Feature - Convert a product review into a ticket. * Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 7.9. * Tweak - Tested compatibility with WP 6.3. 2023-06-05 - version 1.2.0 * Feature - Declare compatibility with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS). * Tweak - Added links to the plugin settings page, the documentation page and to get support, in the plugin list. * Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 7.7. * Tweak - Tested compatibility with WP 6.2. * Dev - Implement the singleton pattern in the main plugin class. * Dev - Updated the minimum requirements to WC 3.5, WP 4.7 and PHP 5.4. 2023-01-03 - version 1.1.28 * Tweak - Updated plugin author. * Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 7.3. * Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WP 6.1. 2020-10-07 - version 1.1.27 * Tweak - WC 4.4 compatibility. 2020-08-19 - version 1.1.26 * Tweak - WordPress 5.5 compatibility. 2020-06-10 - version 1.1.25 * Tweak - WC 4.2 compatibility. 2020-05-12 - version 1.1.24 * Add - Forest plan in settings. * Tweak - SSO shared settings as it is no longer supported for new Freshdesk accounts. 2020-04-29 - version 1.1.23 * Tweak - WC 4.1 compatibility. 2020-04-14 - version 1.1.22 * Tweak - Add a warning about logs usage to settings. 2020-03-04 - version 1.1.21 * Tweak - Remove legacy code. * Tweak - WC 4.0 compatibility. 2020-01-13 - version 1.1.20 * Tweak - WC 3.9 compatibility. 2019-11-04 - version 1.1.19 * Fix - Remove use of deprecated email_order_items_table function for WooCommerce 3.0+. * Fix - Sanitize ticket form fields and remove slashes from Subject and Description. * Fix - Remove use of deprecated $order->order_date property. * Tweak - Fix language on Integration page. * Fix - Update postmakepot command to avoid errors when generating a POT file. * Tweak - WC 3.8 compatibility. 2019-08-09 - version 1.1.18 * Tweak - WC tested up to 3.7. 2019-04-16 - version 1.1.17 * Tweak - WC tested up to 3.6. 2019-02-25 - version 1.1.16 * Fix - Use logged in email address for tickets and not order email. 2018-10-11 - version 1.1.15 * Fix - Update help text and pot file. * Update - WC tested up to 3.5. 2018-05-22 - version 1.1.14 * Fix - No Formatting appearing in Freshdesk. * Update - Privacy policy notification. * Update - WC tested up to 3.4. 2018-02-12 - version 1.1.13 * Fix - SSO login redirect breaks when site url mismatches home url. 2018-01-11 - version 1.1.12 * Fix - Use proper redirection URL for SSO. 2018-01-11 - version 1.1.11 * Fix - Allow the domain name as a host for proper redirection. 2017-11-24 - version 1.1.10 * Fix - Order details are garbled in Freshdesk tickets. 2017-10-30 - version 1.1.9 * Fix - Additional updates for SSO compatibility. 2017-08-02 - version 1.1.8 * Fix - WC3 Breaks Simple SSO feature of Freshdesk. 2016-10-25 - version 1.1.7 * Fix - Use API v2 for solutions/categories endpoint. * Fix - PHP notices of missing arguments for solution category integration. * Fix - Issue listing tickets from user with email containing symbols (e.g. '+'). 2016-10-12 - version 1.1.6 * Fix - SSO login URL. 2016-09-29 - version 1.1.5 * Update - API to v2. 2016-05-10 - version 1.1.4 * Fix SSO pre hash value by adding sso secret to the string. 2015-06-30 - version 1.1.3 * Added SSL verification to remote requests. * Escaped templates. 2015-01-20 - version 1.1.2 * Added the `woocommerce_freshdesk_hide_my_support_tickets` filter. 2014-08-11 - version 1.1.1 * Added support for WooCommerce 2.2. 2014-08-03 - version 1.1.0 * Added Freshdesk form shortcode. * Improved the ajax requests. 2014-07-31 - version 1.0.1 * Improved the Freshdesk URL for works with "Secure Connection using SSL" Freshdesk option. * Added pot file for custom translations. 2014-05-27 - version 1.0.0 * First Release.