*** Bulk Shop for WooCommerce Changelog *** 2024-01-06 - version 2.4.1 * Added HPOS compability 2023-10-30 - version 2.3.6 * Minor fix for Woo code quality 2023-10-29 - version 2.3.5 * Updated depricated functions * Minor fix for grouped products * Minor fixes and improvements 2023-03-02 - version 2.3.4 * Minor bug fix in paging function when search multiple strings 2023-02-23 - version 2.3.3 * Minor fix for url when permalink structure missing / 2023-02-14 - version 2.3.2 * Minor fix in query for search (products) * Added option in settings for result count in query for search * Minor fixes 2023-01-13 - version 2.3.1 * Minor fix for select category dropdown 2022-08-27 - version 2.1.5 * Fix for speed improvements (images) - make sure we get thumbnails * Minor fix in search query for relevance * Added hook in search query (wbs_search_filter_args > to modify args for query) * Added hook in product query (wbs_product_filter_args > to modify args for query) 2022-08-25 - version 2.1.4 * Minor fix for order when search (by product name) 2022-08-18 - version 2.1.3 * Fix in functions for add to cart for variations when attribute(s) is not set 2022-08-16 - version 2.1.2 * Fixes in CSS (important removed for some classes) * Minor fix in search query (added by relevance) 2022-05-27 - version 2.1.1 * Added validation for input quantity * Minor CSS fix for quantity buttons to avoid stacked layout 2022-05-25 - version 1.3.57 * Added check for stock quantity in JS too and in quantity add (only allow max stock per product) 2022-05-25 - version 1.3.56 * Added check for stock in quantity (max = stock) or no check when backorder * Minor fix in settings 2022-03-02 - version 1.3.55 * Fix - removing duplicates in category query 2022-03-01 - version 1.3.54 * Minor fix for show all categories 2022-03-01 - version 1.3.53 * Minor fix for get by selected categories 2022-01-28 - version 1.3.52 * Minor fix to support category filters (by slug) * Added option (shortcode) to show products out of stock * Added function to remove quantity box when out of stock (label: out of stock) 2022-01-05 - version 1.3.51 * Minor fix in query for products (for B2B solutions) 2021-12-27 - version 1.3.50 * Minor fixes in get categories (create shortcode page) * Added shortcode to remove link (url) on product and product thumbnail 2021-12-13 - version 1.3.49 * Minor bug fix in product loop that created an error 2021-12-03 - version 1.3.48 * Minor change in ajax add to cart - filter hook for developers 2021-09-09 - version 1.3.47 * Minor fix in JS when total column is hidden 2021-09-08 - version 1.3.46 * Added two hooks in add_products_to_cart function. (customer request) 2021-08-28 - version 1.3.45 * Fix for add to cart - visibility only when variable is selected * Minor fixes in css search and paging buttons 2021-07-20 - version 1.3.44 * Minor change in sorting of products - now supports custom sorting / ordering 2021-06-01 - version 1.3.43 * Added support for up to 4 nested categories in shortcode generator * Fix to disable adding a product variable when no selection is done 2021-05-25 - version 1.3.42 * Fixses and improvements for Roles & Rules B2B prices 2021-04-23 - version 1.3.41 * Added tags filter, and option to hide it * Minor fixes and CSS updates 2021-03-24 - version 1.3.40 * Added price range filter + option to hide the filter * Changed search box, merged search for text, sku and tags * Minor fix for tax * Minor fix for speed * Minor CSS fixes 2021-03-02 - version 1.3.39 * Minor fix to hide add to cart icon for not existing variable 2021-02-26 - version 1.3.38 * Fix when variable does not exist in select option 2021-02-24 - version 1.3.37 * Added option to set max words for short description * Added lazyload for product rows * Minor fixes and updates 2020-12-17 - version 1.3.36 * Minor fix in redirect function 2020-12-17 - version 1.3.35 * Added 3x magnifier on images on mouseover * Added option for redirect after add to cart, direct to cart or checkout * Changed the select categories function in generate shortcode 2020-12-04 - version 1.3.34 * Minor fix in paging when search * Minor fix in querys 2020-12-03 - version 1.3.33 * Bug fix for select variation prices when used in a Wholesaler/B2B solution 2020-11-26 - version 1.3.32 * Fixes for prices and sales * Minor fixes in code 2020-11-18 - version 1.3.31 * Minor fix in scripts * Minor fix for product with variation 2020-11-16 - version 1.3.30 * Removed add to cart row label on mobile view * Minor fixes 2020-11-14 - version 1.3.29 * Minor fix in selector for variables * Created the add to cart (on mobile) as a button * Other minor fixes and improvements 2020-11-04 - version 1.3.28 * Minor fixes for b2b/wholesaler prices and other fixes * Minor CSS fixes 2020-10-26 - version 1.3.27 * Added related products (shortcode options) to enable Bulk Shop to be used in product page. 2020-10-14 - version 1.3.26 * Minor fix when plugin is used on homepage * Fix in attributes for variables 2020-10-06 - version 1.3.25 * Added shortcode option to hide checkboxes in first column * Added shortcode option to hide search * Added small search button to search form * Minor CSS fixes 2020-09-14 - version 1.3.24 * Added search functionality for SKU and Tags * Minor CSS changes 2020-08-13 - version 1.3.23 * Added support for Dynamic pricing for WooCommerce 2020-08-06 - version 1.3.22 * Added progress bar to let customers see progress of bulk add to cart 2020-08-03 - version 1.3.21 * Added settings page for table headings, buttons, integrations and more * Added shortcode option - hide prices for not logged in users 2020-07-26 - version 1.3.20 * Fixed minor issue in add to cart (bulk) * Minor css changes 2020-07-17 - version 1.3.19 * Fix in products to show - hide products not in stock * Minor fixes for prices and more 2020-07-15 - version 1.3.18 * Added css fix for mobile views * Added fix for product visibility * Added fix for prices on variable products * Added dropdown selectors for products with variables * Added price and roles generator(shortcode), set up to 10 prices and their roles (B2B/Wholesaler solutions) 2020-05-28 - version 1.3.17 * Fixes in JS * Changed the variable products to better names 2020-05-05 - version 1.3.16 * Minor fix in shortcode page 2020-05-05 - version 1.3.15 * Minor fix in quantity add function 2020-05-05 - version 1.3.14 * Minor fixes in js files * Minor changes in shortcode page 2020-04-21 - version 1.3.13 * Added integration for Name your price for WooCommerce 2020-04-15 - version 1.3.12 * Added quantity pluss/minus buttons * Added option to hide price and totals * Changed add to cart button functionality * Changed logic for calculations and more * Image on mobile view is larger 2020-03-26 - version 1.3.11 * Minor fix for loading scripts 2020-03-10 - version 1.3.10 * Added test for MS browsers to work better with Elementor * Minor css changes 2020-03-04 - version 1.3.9 * Added product order option * Minor fixes 2020-03-03 - version 1.3.8 * Added default product quantity and fixes for totals when using this option 2020-01-24 - version 1.3.7 * Added option to hide bulk add (input and button) * Other minor fixes 2020-01-22 - version 1.3.6 * Fix in add quantity and allow only positive integer values for quantity * Fix in paging function * Added French language 2020-01-17 - version 1.3.5 * Fix for setting image size and allowing HTML in short description 2020-01-14 - version 1.3.4 * Minor fix for compability for Composite products 2020-01-01 - version 1.3.3 * Fixes and improvements for paging, frontpage and other 2019-11-11 - version 1.3.2 * Fix in stock status text 2019-11-08 - version 1.3.1 * Added option to hide add to cart icon 2019-11-06 - version 1.3.0 * Added SKU and options to hide * Added Thumbnail options to hide column * Added Product short description and options to hide column * Added Add to cart icon on every row * Added numbers of items in the cart badge * Fix in integration - added a default empty role * Made table views more compact * Fix in internal link when sorting, no more jump to top of page * Optimized mobile view 2019-10-23 - version 1.2.7 * Added custom price field and roles for custom price. This enables integration for i.e wholesales prices. 2019-10-03 - version 1.2.6 * Fixed bug for paging 2019-10-03 - version 1.2.5 * Fixed ajax add to cart url * Fixed minor issue with variations * Removed grouped products from views * Added info icon for product with variables 2019-10-02 - version 1.2.4 * Fix: cart / shortcodes in admin pages and posts 2019-10-01 - version 1.2.3 * Added basket to show products in the cart * Changed stock label 2019-09-28 - version 1.2.2 * Fix for variation names 2019-09-26 - version 1.2.1 * Added woo id 2019-09-25 - version 1.2.0 * Updated pot files * Added category selector in category view * Added option for hide category selector * Minor code changes 2019-09-20 - version 1.1.9 * Inital release