*** Product Likes Changelog *** 2024-04-11 - version 2.2.1 * Update: Woo.com links reverted to WooCommerce.com, due to WooCommerce backtrack * Update: WooCommerce tested up to 8.7.0 * Update: WordPress tested up to 6.5.2 2024-01-16 - version 2.2.0 * Add: WooCommerce Cart/Checkout blocks compatibility * Update: Changelog consistency 2023-12-18 - version 2.1.1 * Update: Activation notice * Update: Changelog keys * Update: Code consistency * Update: Development assets * Update: WooCommerce.com links to Woo.com * Update: PHP requires at least 7.3.0 * Update: WooCommerce requires at least 7.9.0 * Update: WooCommerce tested up to 8.4.0 * Update: WordPress requires at least 6.1.0 * Update: WordPress tested up to 6.4.2 * Fix: Capabilities should be used instead of roles in function call to current_user_can() * Fix: Likes data not inserted in database if MySQL config has NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO enabled 2023-08-01 - version 2.1.0 * Add: High Performance Order Storage (HPOS) compatibility if WooCommerce version is 8.0.0 or higher, note that this version includes several changes for HPOS compatibility, it is recommended you perform this upgrade on a staging environment before upgrading the extension on a production website regardless of whether HPOS enabled, HPOS and the compatibility in this extension are very new, use with caution * Update: Development assets * Update: PHP requires at least 7.2.0 * Update: WooCommerce requires at least 7.3.0 * Update: WooCommerce tested up to 7.9.0 * Update: WordPress requires at least 5.9.0 * Update: WordPress tested up to 6.2.2 * Fix: Product likes menu item in my account does not get included if the downloads menu item has been removed via custom development 2022-12-23 - version 2.0.3 * Add: Development assets * Update: JS assets now enqueued in footer to reduce render blocking * Update: Various code refactoring * Update: WooCommerce requires at least 5.0.0 * Update: WooCommerce tested up to 7.2.2 * Update: WordPress requires at least 5.4.0 * Update: WordPress tested up to 6.1.1 2022-03-29 - version 2.0.2 * Add: wcpl-product-likes-liked-zero class to total likes markup * Fix: Total likes may display when zero for sites without style in WordPress safe css rules * Fix: Likes button slightly unaligned due to CSS margins when like totals disabled * Fix: Loading spinner on likes dashboard appears blurry on high resolution displays 2022-03-28 - version 2.0.1 * Add: wcpl_product_likes_products_alternative_hook filter hook, if this is filtered to return true the likes button displayed on product pages will use the woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_form action instead of the default woocommerce_product_meta_start action, however this is not recommended as the button would not show for products which are not purchasable (e.g. out of stock) * Fix: Setting field sprintf strings missing translators comments * Remove: Hover effect for like icon full/empty on hover due to how tap based devices trigger hover actions, making it look like a like/unlike has been actioned when it has not on these devices 2022-03-26 - version 2.0.0 * Note: This version includes several changes to asset enqueues, upgrade conditions and more, please ensure you read the contents of this changelog, please be aware that the extension now uses the woocommerce_product_meta_start action instead of woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_form to display the like button on product pages, this fixes an issue with the button not displaying on unpurchasable products, it is recommended you perform this upgrade on a staging environment before upgrading the extension on a production website, clear all caches after upgrading to ensure all assets are reloaded * Add: Product likes dashboard at Products > Likes * Add: Product likes now work with WooCommerce product blocks (excluding the All Products block due to extensibility constraints) * Add: Product likes in account sorting and result counts * Add: Product likes in account pagination * Add: Display on product blocks setting * Add: Star like icon setting * Add: Like/unlike title attribute to like/unlike button * Add: Like/unlike opacity added on click until like/unlike complete * Add: Likes tab in account icon (for storefront based themes) * Add: Likes total now fades in * Add: Various classes have been added * Add: Display hook information to settings * Add: Debugging post meta information to settings, note query string has changed to wcpl_product_likes_debug_post_meta=1 * Add: DataTables library * Add: Minified CSS/JS assets created and enqueued * Add: WCPL_Product_Likes_Translation class * Add: WooCommerce not installed/activated notice * Update: CSS assets now SCSS * Update: Likes tab in account moved higher * Update: Increased likes total font size * Update: Post meta debug query string is now wcpl_product_likes_debug_post_meta=1 (see post meta information in settings) * Update: Like/unlike icon now empty or full similar to how social networks display this * Update: Unlike text removed from display similar to how social networks display this, unlike text is still used as a title attribute * Update: Various classes have been amended/removed related to new functionality in this version * Update: Product likes button display on product page now uses the woocommerce_product_meta_start action and not woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_form to fix issue with button not displaying on unpurchasable products, note that this means the button is within the product meta container and some themes may have applied CSS to this that may effect the likes button (e.g. product meta font size) * Update: Product likes settings now in own section in WooCommerce > Settings > Products (see link in navigation under tabs) * Update: Majority of inline JS/CSS removed and enqueued as CSS/JS files * Update: wcpl_product_likes_total_after_text default to people * Update: wcpl_product_likes_total_before_text filter default is now empty * Update: wcpl_product_likes_total_after_text filter default is now likes * Update: Upgrade conditions now use version_compare * Update: Enqueues plugins_url function calls so folder name not included that could effect installations where folder renamed * Update: Nonce verifications now uses sanitize_key * Update: Translators comments to include references to variables * Update: WordPress tested up to 5.9.2 * Update: WooCommerce tested up to 6.3.1 * Fix: Likes page in my account may not be accessible if extension was deactivated and then reactivated until rewrites flushed * Fix: Product likes button does not appear on product page if product is not purchasable * Fix: If product is duplicated via WooCommerce's core duplicate functionality (duplicate link under product name on dashboard products list) it also duplicates the likes post meta which is then out of sync with the database data, if you have previously duplicated any products using this method (or another means) we recommend running the post meta debug to resync both, see post meta information in settings for further information * Fix: Translations may not load due to load_plugin_textdomain not hooked on init * Remove: Product likes column from dashboard products list due to addition of product likes dashboard 2021-03-30 - version 1.1.3 * Fix: "No products liked yet." string in account page is not translatable 2021-03-25 - version 1.1.2 * Fix: Strings shown upon liking/unliking via JS do not decode HTML entities if characters such as apostrophes are used via translation or filter 2021-03-21 - version 1.1.1 * Update: Upgrade class to include older version option population as options now populated via upgrade class during upgrade/install * Update: WordPress tested up to version 5.7 * Update: WooCommerce tested up to version 5.1.0 * Fix: Various issues causing PHP 7 based deprecation notices when debug mode enabled * Fix: Various PHP 8 based notices/errors, note that the recommended PHP version for this extension remains 7.x * Remove: Activation option population as done on install/upgrade via upgrade class 2021-01-12 - version 1.1.0 * Add: Likes column to dashboard products list * Add: Likes column sorting of dashboard products list * Add: _wcpl_product_likes_likes meta for likes total on products, note that this should not be updated manually as also relates to database entries * Add: Meta debug functionality to reset likes meta if post meta likes total has become inconsistent with database entries due to manual post meta like total changes * Add: WordPress multisite network compatibility * Add: WooCommerce 4.8.0 compatability * Add: WordPress 5.6 compatability * Add: load_plugin_textdomain for translations and languages directory * Update: WooCommerce conditional check * Update: Minimum WordPress version requirement with multisite * Update: File/directory structure * Update: PHP classes due to file/directory structure changes 2020-09-23 - version 1.0.4 * Fix: AJAX like/unlike functionality can break if something causes AJAX response to include a blank line before the like/unlike string 2020-08-07 - version 1.0.3 * Add: Product object check on my account liked products to ensure is_visible only called if product object (potentially could throw a server error if product null for any reason) 2020-08-06 - version 1.0.2 * Add: wcpl_product_likes_like_text filter * Add: wcpl_product_likes_likes_none_text filter * Add: wcpl_product_likes_likes_text filter * Add: wcpl_product_likes_total_after_text filter * Add: wcpl_product_likes_total_before_text filter * Add: wcpl_product_likes_unlike_text filter * Add: Compatability with WordPress 5.4.2 * Add: Compatability with WooCommerce 4.3.1 * Fix: Like functionality not working if jQuery deferred * Fix: Products with catalog visibility disabled appearing in my account likes section 2020-05-03 - version 1.0.1 * Add: Compatability with WordPress 5.4.1 * Fix: Activation functions not triggered if extension activated while WooCommerce inactive 2020-04-20 - version 1.0.0 * New: Initial release