*** Product FAQS Changelog *** 2024-04-11 - version 1.3.1 * Update: Woo.com links reverted to WooCommerce.com, due to WooCommerce backtrack * Update: WooCommerce tested up to 8.7.0 * Update: WordPress tested up to 6.5.2 2024-01-15 - version 1.3.0 * Add: WooCommerce Cart/Checkout blocks compatibility * Update: Changelog consistency 2023-12-18 - version 1.2.1 * Update: Activation notice * Update: Changelog keys * Update: Code consistency * Update: Development assets * Update: WooCommerce.com links to Woo.com * Update: PHP requires at least 7.3.0 * Update: WooCommerce requires at least 7.9.0 * Update: WooCommerce tested up to 8.4.0 * Update: WordPress requires at least 6.1.0 * Update: WordPress tested up to 6.4.2 2023-07-31 - version 1.2.0 * Add: High Performance Order Storage (HPOS) compatibility if WooCommerce version is 8.0.0 or higher, note that this version includes several changes for HPOS compatibility, it is recommended you perform this upgrade on a staging environment before upgrading the extension on a production website regardless of whether HPOS enabled, HPOS and the compatibility in this extension are very new, use with caution * Update: Development assets * Update: PHP requires at least 7.2.0 * Update: WooCommerce requires at least 7.3.0 * Update: WooCommerce tested up to 7.9.0 * Update: WordPress requires at least 5.9.0 * Update: WordPress tested up to 6.2.2 * Fix: Activation notice no longer working 2022-12-23 - version 1.1.1 * Add: Development assets * Update: JS assets now enqueued in footer to reduce potential render blocking * Update: WooCommerce requires at least 5.0.0 * Update: WooCommerce tested up to 7.2.2 * Update: WordPress requires at least 5.4.0 * Update: WordPress tested up to 6.1.1 2022-03-25 - version 1.1.0 * Note: This version includes several changes to asset enqueues, please ensure you read the contents of this changelog, it is recommended you perform this upgrade on a staging environment before upgrading the extension on a production website, clear all caches after upgrading to ensure all assets are reloaded * Add: Minified CSS/JS assets created and enqueued * Add: Includes folder * Add: Assets folder * Add: WCPF_Product_FAQs_Translation class * Add: WooCommerce not installed/activated notice * Update: FAQs now use slide up/down animation * Update: Reduced use of inline CSS/JS * Update: Text casing on add faq button so consistent with similar core WooCommerce buttons * Update: Enqueues plugins_url function calls so folder name not included that could effect installations where folder renamed * Update: WordPress tested up to 5.9.2 * Update: WooCommerce tested up to 6.3.1 * Fix: Translations may not load due to load_plugin_textdomain not hooked on init 2021-03-21 - version 1.0.8 * Add: Languages folder for translations 2021-03-20 - version 1.0.7 * Add: Activation notice * Add: WCPF_PRODUCT_FAQS_VERSION constant * Add: load_plugin_textdomain * Update: Dashboard colors so consistent with admin color changes in WordPress 5.7 * Update: WordPress tested up to version 5.7 * Update: WooCommerce tested up to version 5.1.0 2020-12-06 - version 1.0.6 * Add: wcpf_product_faqs_expanded_by_default filter allowing FAQ answers to be expanded by default 2020-11-10 - version 1.0.5 * Add: WordPress multisite network compatibility 2020-10-30 - version 1.0.4 * Add: Condition to stop FAQs displaying if question and answer empty * Add: wcpf-product-faqs class container around wcpf-product-faqs-faq elements * Add: wcpf_product_faqs_disable_styling filter to allow default styles to be removed if required so developers can use own styling from scratch * Add: wcpf_product_faqs_before filter allowing markup to be added within FAQs container before faqs * Add: wcpf_product_faqs_after filter allowing markup to be added within FAQs container after faqs * Update: Remove FAQ color to default WordPress red * Update: Remove FAQ color to be active if link focused * Update: wcpf-product-faqs-faq-accordion on product page to wcpf-product-faqs-faq-question to be more descriptive for future development * Update: wcpf-product-faqs-faq-panel on product page to wcpf-product-faqs-faq-answer to be more descriptive for future development 2020-08-01 - version 1.0.3 * Add: FAQ icon to product data tab * Add: Move FAQ up/down functionality * Add: Remove FAQ icon * Add: WooCommerce 4.3.1 compatability 2020-04-29 - version 1.0.2 * Update: Allow HTML tags in FAQ questions and answers (allowed HTML tags are the same as post content) * Update: FAQ question and answer double line-breaks automatically replaced with paragraph elements 2020-03-03 - version 1.0.1 * Update: Filter names to avoid future naming clashes before WooCommerce extension release * Update: FAQs post meta to avoid future naming clashes before WooCommerce extension release 2020-02-25 - version 1.0.0 * New: Initial release