*** Krokedil Product Documents Changelog *** 2024-03-25 - version 1.4.0 * Feature - The plugin now supports WooCommerce's "High-Performance Order Storage" ("HPOS") feature. 2023-08-30 - version 1.3.0 * Feature - Adds icon for webp format and updated current file format icons to match. * Tweak - Remove email settings from emails settings tab. It should only be used/visible in Product Documents settings page. 2021-05-31 - version 1.2.0 * Feature - Adds shortcode kpd_documents to be able to display product documents on other places than via the product tab. * Feature - Adds setting to turn on/off display of product documents tab. * Tweak - Adds attached documents file name as param to kpd_document_icon filter. 2021-04-19 - version 1.1.0 * Tweak - Adds filter kpd_document_icon & kpd_default_document_icon so developers can change the icon from another plugin. * Tweak - Adds product tab for external/affiliate products. * Tweak - Minor CSS tweak. * Fix - Closes a href correctly in product page html markup. 2020-09-08 - version 1.0.1 * Fix - Changed from deprecated .live function to .on in the admin JavaScript. * Fix - Prevent our admin script from being loaded on other pages causing an issue with other plugins. 2020-03-31 - version 1.0.0 * Initial release.