*** Currents Changelog *** 2015.09.17 - version 1.1.15 * Fix - Updates Widget constructors and update functions for security purposes. Deprecation of twitter widget. includes/widgets/*, includes/theme-widgets.php, includes/widgets/widget-woo-twitter.php 2014.07.25 - version 1.1.14 * Fix - Replace old deprecated function get_theme_data() with wp_get_theme() 2014.03.06 - version 1.1.13 * Fix - Updated fitvids to the latest stable version includes/js/fitvids.js 2013.09.23 - version 1.1.12 * /includes/theme-functions.php - Modification to the woo_get_users() function to return users in descending order of post count to fix bug where users did not display. 2013.07.31 - version 1.1.11 * author.php - Now uses the WooDojo Twitter Tweets widget to display tweets, in accordance with the Twitter API 1.1 update. 2013.06.12 - version 1.1.10 * includes/theme-actions.php - Fixed bug with link color option overriding custom typography colors. 2013.05.25 - version 1.1.9 * includes/layout.css - Fixed bug with dropdowns showing up while pages were being loaded. 2013.01.31 - version 1.1.8 * includes/layout.css - Fixed bug in Currents 'Recent News' display on the homepage. 2012.12.18 - version 1.1.7 * style.css includes/js/general.js - fixed delay bug in Superfish * /includes/theme-options.php - made all options translatable * lang/en_GB.po - recan language file 2012.07.31 - version 1.1.6 * images/ico-subscribe-social.png - Updated Twitter Icon * images/twitter.png - Updated Twitter Icon * includes/widget/widget-woo-twitter.php - Added "Twitter" text for default widget title 2012.07.05 - version 1.1.5 * header.php - Added nav toggle icon for mobile resolutions * style.css - Nav toggle styling * css/layout.css - Nav toggle styling * includes/js/general.js - Added JS for nav toggle * images/nav-toggle.png - Added nav toggle image 2012.06.29 - version 1.1.4 * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-tabs.php - Make sure the remove the "filter_where" filter after running the popular posts query. 2012.03.28 - version 1.1.3 * style.css - Fixed entry blockquotes :before element 2012.03.19 - version 1.1.2 * includes/theme-actions.php - Fixed custom typography output for entry font 2012.02.29 - version 1.1.1 * includes/recent-news.php - localized missing more string 2012.02.16 - version 1.1 * includes/theme-js - remove loading of respond.js (loaded in footer via theme-actions.php) * includes/theme-options.php - added layout option to set 960px width. Re-arranged options into sub-options. * includes/theme-actions.php - output width class on body tag. Output respond.js in footer for IE * css/layouts.css - added additional .width-960 class * archive.php, author.php, featured.php, single.php - added variable for width in woo_embed/woo_image * includes/related-news.php, includes/recent-news.php - changed width of woo_image to 280 2012.02.02 - version 1.0.9 * includes/related-news.php - added additional error trapping for variables 2012.01.23 - version 1.0.8 * includes/js/general.js - Added post .entry to FitVids for in-post videos 2012.01.16 - version 1.0.7 * style.less/style.css - Fixed gravity form styling 2012.01.13 - version 1.0.6 * header.php - Wrapped RSS subscribe link in to fix whitespace & strange character in Chrome on Windows * includes/theme-functions.php - Wrapped post meta date in to fix whitespace & strange character in Chrome on Windows 2012.01.10 - version 1.0.5 * single.php - reset the query to fix featured category query conflict 2012.01.04 - version 1.0.4 * includes/recent-news.php, includes/related-news.php - Added "last" class via PHP * layout.less, layout.css - Added styling for .last class on Recent & Related News 2011.12.13 - version 1.0.3 * index.php, archive.php, search.php, template-blog.php - show thumbnails when excerpt is enabled 2011.11.29 - version 1.0.2 * /lang/en_GB.po - Rescanned language file. * /includes/content-banner.php - Code clean-up and consistency checks. * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-twitter.php - Code clean-up and consistency checks. * /includes/theme-functions.php - Code clean-up and consistency checks. Add "woothemes" textdomain to comment form field labels. * /includes/theme-options.php - Code clean-up and consistency checks. * header.php - Code clean-up and consistency checks. * footer.php - Code clean-up and consistency checks. 2011.11.10 - version 1.0.1 * includes/theme-actions.php - Replaced Google font "Rokkitt" with "Bitter" * includes/theme-options.php - Changed typography options to use "Bitter" by default * includes/featured.php - Fixed video slide content option * includes/widgets/widgget-woo-custom-subscribe.php - Added widget * css/mixins.less - Changed default fonts to "Bitter" * css/layout.less,layout.css - Fixed slider arrows horizontal scroll * style.less, style.css - Fixed slider arrow horizontal scroll. Changed font-sizes & line-heights to ems 2011.11.09 - version 1.0 * First release!