*** Automatic Order Printing for WooCommerce *** 2024-03-06 - version 1.1.2 * Added : Custom page size option * Added : 80mm size option * Fixed : Issue with certain model printers (ex: Star thermal printers) where the length of the print is too long 2023-10-12 - version 1.1.1 * Fixed : Admin javascript issues * Tweak : Updated DOMPDF 2023-10-11 - version 1.1.0 * Added : High Performance Order Storage(HPOS) compatibility * Fixed : Error handling * Fixed : PrintNode fit_to_page option * Fixed : Support PHP 8.0 * Tweak : Updated DOMPDF 2023-05-13 - version 1.0.9 * Added : Advanced template option * Added : Template html preview option * Fixed : Multi site issues * Fixed : CMB2 conflict in the admin screen * Tweak : Added new filter woo_order_auto_print_printers to modify printers * Tweak : Added new filter woo_order_auto_print_printnode_request to modify printnode request * Tweak : Added new action woo_order_auto_print_run_print_printnode_print_status for thirdparty plugins to update order status messages 2022-03-30 - version 1.0.8 * Added : Fit to page option on template settings. * Added : custom css option to template. * Added : Printer bin selection option to template. * fixed : GDPR issues. * Tweak : Added new filter woo_order_auto_print_template_settings to modify template settings. * Tweak : updated .pot file. * Fixed : PrintNode options issue. 2021-12-17 - version 1.0.7 * Added : mPDF support for RTL Support. * Tweak : Added new filter woo_order_auto_print_printnode_options to modify PrintNode options. * Tweak : updated .pot file * Fixed : PrintNode options issue. 2021-09-14 - version 1.0.6 * Tweak : Updated dom libreary to support PHP 8 support. * Tweak : updated code to fix issues in the thirdparty plugin support * Tweak : fixed some warnings in the template 2021-06-16 - version 1.0.5 * Added : String translation from settings. * Tweak : modify template functions to remove unnecessary divs to display on the printout * Tweak : updated .pot file 2021-05-25 - version 1.0.4 * Added : Option to skip WP Cron and print directly. 2021-05-21 - version 1.0.3 * Added : Added thirdparty plugins data ( order delivery slots, delivery times etc. ) * Fix : Print issue with order status change 2021-04-19 - version 1.0.2 * Tweak : Added action hooks (woo_order_auto_print_before_order_data, woo_order_auto_print_after_order_data) for add thirdparty plugins data 2021-04-12 - version 1.0.1 * Fix : Fatal error when checking orders for preview. added if ( is_a( $order, 'WC_Order' ) ) 2021-01-28 - version 1.0.0 * Initial Release