*** Agency Changelog *** 2021-12-06 - Version 1.3.2 * Fixed account button styles for mobile 2021-06-22 - Version 1.3.1 * Fixed deprecated jQuery window load function * Fixed header color brightness setup function * Fixed issue with product excerpt displaying in header if front page is set to shop * Minor default style fixes for logo and site title 2020-12-31 - Version 1.3 * Updating theme version to avoid conflict with WP.org theme * Changing theme name to avoid conflict with WP.org theme 2020-12-17 - Version 1.2.5 * Added styles for WC cart and checkout blocks 2020-10-22 - Version 1.2.4 * Fixed code sniffer issues from submission scan * Removed recommended plugins script * Removed blog category option 2020-09-25 - Version 1.2.3 * Fixed sidebar padding in tablet view * Updated search widget mobile style 2020-09-11 - Version 1.2.2 * Fixed checkout order review table in tablet view * Moved fonts folder to assets folder * Fixed blockquote style inconsistencies 2020-09-01 - Version 1.2.1 * Fixed logo link bug 2020-09-01 - Version 1.2 * Reorganized theme files and folders * Moved CSS and JS files to assets folder * Added cart link icon to mobile view * Fixed product tabs display in mobile view * Fixed added to cart notice in mobile view * Fixed cart spacing issues in mobile * Fixed checkout display issues in mobile * Fixed quote block style inconsistencies 2020-07-01 - Version 1.1.2 * Re-added post edit links to pages and posts * Added post edit links to posts on all archive pages * Fixed footer link contrast issues * Added more padding to cart popup to distance from other menu items * Added background to magnifying glass icon button * Updated delete icons to more neutral colors * Fixed alignment of select fields for review blocks * Added changelog.txt file 2020-06-29 - Version 1.1.1 * Fixed header when WooCommerce was deactivated 2020-06-18 - Version 1.1 * WooCommerce review updates * Decreased header size slightly * Optimized white space on full width pages * Introduced secondary button styles * Fixed typography inconsistencies * Changed default link colors to meet AAA compliance * Updated theme demo content targeting software as product vertical * Fixed logo scaling issue with large logos * Included number of items and price in cart link * Fixed placement of sale badges on products * Fixed header issue on product pages * Fixed quantity input styles on grouped products * Updated review styles making them more consistent with blocks * Updated account tab styles to match product description tabs * Changed style of buttons in account section to secondary style * Significantly updated cart and checkout styles * Tweaked styles for confirmation page design * Fixed styles for list items in WooCommerce widgets * Fixed sale badge style in blocks * Decreased button sizes for rows of products that exceed 4 columns * Removed edit post/page links * Removed theme updater script * Removed theme license admin notification * Removed recommended plugins with exception of OCDI and WooCommerce