*** USPS Shipping *** 2024-03-25 - version 4.8.3 * Tweak - WordPress 6.5 Compatibility. 2024-02-14 - version 4.8.2 * Fix - Removed WC_Boxpack class_exists check as it is no longer needed. 2024-02-12 - version 4.8.1 * Fix - Apply WordPress coding standards. 2024-01-30 - version 4.8.0 * Add - Prefix Box-Packer namespacing. 2023-12-11 - version 4.7.6 * Tweak - Remove TGM Plugin Activation dependency. 2023-10-16 - version 4.7.5 * Fix - Shipping debug info not showing when using WC cart and checkout blocks. 2023-09-05 - version 4.7.4 * Update - Security updates. 2023-08-22 - version 4.7.3 * Fix - Multiple USPS shipping methods list in cart & checkout. 2023-08-08 - version 4.7.2 * Update - Security updates. 2023-07-11 - version 4.7.1 * Fix - Remove Ground Advantage "Cubic" and "Hold For Pickup" variants from supported rates. 2023-07-10 - version 4.7.0 * Add - Support for Ground Advantage™ services. 2023-02-27 - version 4.6.3 * Tweak - Remove discontinued Regional Rate Boxes (A1, A2, B1, B2). 2023-01-31 - version 4.6.2 * Fix - Fatal error on PHP 8 when aborting unpacked item. 2023-01-16 - version 4.6.1 * Add - New option for sorting the returned rates by price. 2022-10-25 - version 4.6.0 * Add - Declared HPOS Compatibility 2022-09-06 - version 4.5.1 * Fix - Remove unnecessary files from plugin zip file. * Tweak - WC 6.8 compatibility. 2022-08-03 - version 4.5.0 * Fix - Change dimensions and weight units passed to WC_Boxpack. * Tweak - Check if WooCommerce\BoxPacker\WC_Boxpack class exists before including. * Tweak - Transition version numbering to WordPress versioning. * Tweak - WC 6.7 and WP 6.0 compatibility. 2022-05-25 - version 4.4.74 * Fix - Remove Non-Standard fees from rate total if a package matches USPS Tube dimensions. * Fix - Fatal error "Call to a member function get_option() on null" if shipping and shipping calculations are disabled in Shipping location(s) option. 2022-05-12 - version 4.4.73 * Fix - Remove class_exists check for WC_Boxpack. Jetpack Autoloader handles this now. 2022-05-05 - version 4.4.72 * Fix - Added box-packer composer.lock file to keep library versions exact. 2022-05-03 - version 4.4.71 * Tweak - Implement new box packer class and add setting for box packer library selection. * Tweak - Change default Box Packer Library selection to "Enhanced Packer" for new USPS plugin installs. 2022-03-29 - version 4.4.70 * Fix - Fatal error: "Uncaught TypeError: sizeof()" thrown on PHP 8.0.15. * Tweak - Update debug message to include product ID. * Tweak - WC 6.3 and WP 5.9 compatibility. 2022-01-04 - version 4.4.69 * Fix - Missing Languages folder and .pot file in release-ready zip file. 2021-12-13 - version 4.4.68 * Fix - Remove flat rate board game box as it is no longer supported by the API. * Tweak - WC 5.9 compatibility. 2021-10-26 - version 4.4.67 * Fix - Incorrect USPS User ID notice shown for sites with existing USPS method instances. 2021-10-21 - version 4.4.66 * Fix - Remove default user ID "150WOOTH2143" as it no longer available. 2021-10-20 - version 4.4.65 * Add - Require the WooCommerce plugin with TGM Plugin Activation library. 2021-09-29 - version 4.4.64 * Fix - Unpacked items returning API rates when supposed to ignore. * Fix - Allow found rates to be filtered. 2021-09-10 - version 4.4.63 * Tweak - Show the specific rate label when only offering customers the cheapest rate. 2021-08-31 - version 4.4.62 * Fix - Double debug notice in checkout page. * Tweak - Move Shipping Rates (Commercial|Retail) option out of API rates section. * Tweak - Add packed box dimensions to hidden metadata on order items. 2021-08-19 - version 4.4.61 * Add - Add options to USPS settings for overriding default product dimensions/weights. * Fix - Add options for including/overriding empty flat rate box weights. 2021-08-12 - version 4.4.60 * Fix - Add warning for users offering commercial rates with WooCommerce's USPS user ID. * Fix - Adjusted flat rate envelope heights to match API results. * Tweak - Output error messages in debug when API response is WP_Error. 2021-07-27 - version 4.4.59 * Fix - \ character in box name getting escaped exponentially. 2021-07-21 - version 4.4.58 * Fix - PHP Warning when fallback amount not set. 2021-07-13 - version 4.4.57 * Fix - Change and tags based on package type and dimensions. 2021-07-07 - version 4.4.56 * Add - Parcel Select Ground™ service 2021-06-29 - version 4.4.55 * Fix - Adjust domestic box shipping API request when regional rate box is packed. 2021-06-28 - version 4.4.54 * Fix - Show all priority rates unless Offer Rates setting is set to "cheapest". * Fix - Change Padded Flat Rate Envelope (d63 and d29) heights to .5". 2021-06-22 - version 4.4.53 * Fix - Remove tag from domestic flat rate request. 2021-06-10 - version 4.4.52 * Fix - Single cart item dimensions were being passed to USPS instead of the packed Flat Rate Box dimensions. 2021-05-25 - version 4.4.51 * Fix - Remove girth value for international rectangular requests. * Fix - Incorrect package name saved in order meta data. 2021-04-20 - version 4.4.50 * Tweak - Small update on how we batch USPS packages. 2020-11-24 - version 4.4.49 * Tweak - PHP 8 compatibility fixes. 2020-09-23 - version 4.4.48 * Tweak - Add filter for custom services rate name. * Tweak - Update deprecated function call. * Tweak - Remove unused services. 2020-08-19 - version 4.4.47 * Fix - Replace deprecated jQuery methods. 2020-08-11 - version 4.4.46 * Fix - Update USPS API url. 2020-07-01 - version 4.4.45 * Fix - Dimensions not passing correctly when using "Pack into boxes" method. 2020-06-05 - version 4.4.44 * Add - Setting to control tax status. * Tweak - Order shipping line item show quoted package name instead of product dimensions. * Tweak - WC 4.2 compatibility. 2020-04-30 - version 4.4.43 * Tweak - WC 4.1 compatibility. 2020-04-21 - version 4.4.42 * Fix - Do not include Regional Rate boxes for Retail rates. 2020-04-14 - version 4.4.41 * Tweak - Adjust debug message, some returned rates may not be shown because of size restrictions. * Tweak - Split API requests for regular/large items so that all rates are returned by the API. 2020-04-01 - version 4.4.40 * Tweak - Remove legacy code. * Fix - Split API requests into batches of 25 packages when we exceed the API limit. * Fix - Revert padded flat rate envelopes to using a rigid envelope calculation for the box packer. * Fix - Apply letter dimension checks for Metered Letters. 2020-03-17 - version 4.4.39 * Fix - Do not display commercial services when "Retail Rates" are selected. 2020-02-27 - version 4.4.38 * Fix - Allow percentage adjustments to offer a free rate. * Tweak - WC 4.0 compatibility. 2020-02-05 - version 4.4.37 * Fix - Use proper escape for attributes. 2020-01-16 - version 4.4.36 * Tweak - WC 3.9 compatibility. 2019-11-12 - version 4.4.35 * Tweak - Updates flat rates description in USPS settings. 2019-11-04 - version 4.4.34 * Tweak - Adds a description to the Parcel Packing Method field. * Tweak - WC 3.8 compatibility. 2019-10-30 - version 4.4.33 * Fix - Will not return any rate if any item is greater than 70lbs. * Fix - Remove girth for domestic rectangular request since it is miscalculated otherwise. 2019-10-15 - version 4.4.32 * Tweak - Remove outdated First-Class Mail Parcel service. 2019-09-09 - version 4.4.31 * Tweak - Removes deprecated tag from requests. * Fix - Missing flat rates. 2019-08-29 - version 4.4.30 * Tweak - Ensure origin zip field is never hidden. 2019-08-19 - version 4.4.29 * Tweak - Move origin zip top of form as it's required for flat rates as well. 2019-08-06 - version 4.4.28 * Tweak - WC 3.7 compatibility. 2019-07-17 - version 4.4.27 * Fix - Flat Rate Box option available when large and small items are in the cart. 2019-06-27 - version 4.4.26 * Fix - Flat Rate Box Pricing using incorrect rates for some countries. 2019-06-11 - version 4.4.25 * Fix - Change WooThemes.com links to WooCommerce.com links * Fix - Add direct link for premium support form * Fix - Moves support links to under extension description 2019-06-03 - version 4.4.24 * Fix - Re-adds First Class Package International Service. * Update - Format debug info for better readability and only show to admin users. 2019-05-14 - version 4.4.23 * Update - Removing First Class International shipping because it has been discontinued by USPS for merchandise as of January, 2018. * Fix - PHP 7.3 switch warning. 2019-04-16 - version 4.4.22 * Tweak - WC 3.6 compatibility. 2019-03-26 - version 4.4.21 * Fix - Request large envelope rates for envelopes longer than 12 inches. 2019-01-29 - version 4.4.20 * Fix - Envelope rates returned for boxes thicker than 1inch * Update - 2019 price changes. 2018-10-17 - version 4.4.19 * Fix - Add i11a package. * Update - Add letter option to individual products and declared value option for international shipping. * Update - Create .pot file for translations. * Update - WC 3.5 compatibility. 2018-05-22 - version 4.4.18 * Update - Privacy policy notification. * Update - WC 3.4 compatibility. 2018-04-24 - version 4.4.17 * Fix - Priority Mail rates no longer showing. 2018-04-04 - version 4.4.16 * Fix - Enable flat rate boxes setting not honoring setting. 2018-02-15 - version 4.4.15 * Fix - Additional updates for USPS prices per Jan 21 increase. 2018-02-09 - version 4.4.14 * Fix - Additional updates for USPS prices per Jan 21 increase. 2018-01-29 - version 4.4.13 * Tweak - Renamed Medium and Large Flat Rate Boxes to match those on usps.com Postal Store. * Fix - Additional updates for USPS prices per Jan 21 increase. 2018-01-24 - version 4.4.12 * Tweak - Add filter to be used by developers for boxpacking. * Fix - Envelope rates returned even for boxes thicker than 1 inch. * Fix - Update USPS prices per Jan 21 increase. 2017-12-13 - version 4.4.11 * Fix - Added missing validation check for domestic "Package" type. Previously, it skips entirely which might causing First-Class Package Service - Retail™ not displayed on the list of available rates. * Update - WC tested up to version. 2017-09-20 - version 4.4.10 * Add - WC minimum requirements to header. * Fix - Added new sub service First-Class Package Service - Retail™ so that it's displayed in service settings. 2017-08-23 - version 4.4.9 * Fix - Issue where rates for American Samoa and United States Minor Outlying Islands are not showing up. * Tweak - Don't cache API response without rates and reduce cache expiration to 1 week (filter is available to override). 2017-06-29 - version 4.4.8 * Fix - Issue where "Restrict Media Mail to..." is not checked properly. 2017-06-09 - version 4.4.7 * Tweak - Add rate meta data for flat rate boxes. This info will displayed in order line item. * Fix - Issue where MailType is not set correctly for for First Class International rates. 2017-05-16 - version 4.4.6 * Tweak - Add package information to order details. * Update - Priority flat rate pricing. * Fix - Change type of additional fee to 'price' because user could enter invalid value such as 50¢. 2017-04-03 - version 4.4.5 * Update - Additional updates for WC 3.0 compatibility. 2017-02-03 - version 4.4.4 * Update - January 22, 2017 Priority Mail rates update. * Update - WC 3.0 compatibility. * Fix - Regional Rate A2 box dimensions were off causing wrong box type to be returned. 2016-12-22 - version 4.4.3 * Fix - Northern Mariana Islands not returning domestic rates. 2016-11-17 - version 4.4.2 * Update - International flat box rates. 2016-11-05 - version 4.4.1 * Fix - Guam rates were not calculating. * Fix - When debug is enabled, the "error" notice type is preventing from checkout. * New - Introduce "woocommerce_shipping_usps_request" filter. * New - Add USPS T&C. 2016-10-07 - version 4.4.0 * Add - Support for WooCommerce 2.6+ shipping zones. * Update - Change plugin main file name to woocommerce-shipping-usps. 2016-06-17 - version 4.3.3 * Update - Rate method name from Standard Post to Retail Ground. * Remove - References to the deprecated type C box sizes. * Fix - Strict standard notice caused by WooCommerce 2.6 signature change. 2016-02-29 - version 4.3.2 * Fix - First class large envelope sometimes does not return a rate. * Fix - Prevent rates from returning if no shipping country has been selected. 2016-02-24 - version 4.3.1 * Add - Rate type setting is returned due to some 3rd party services requires this to have rate type difference. 2016-02-24 - version 4.3.0 * Fix - Fix box packer when letter type is enabled for international envelope is used. * Fix - Weight based shipping is not returning enabled first class mail. * Add - Additional First Class mail types. * Add - States as countries. * Update - Rate update for flat rate boxes for 2016. * Remove - Shipping Rates setting as all rates are now retailed since Jan. 2016. 2016-01-26 - version 4.2.16 * Fix - Improve clarity of settings regarding Retail and Commercial shipping rates. * Fix - Re-Add Commercial discount rates to flatrate values. 2016-01-19 - version 4.2.15 * Fix - Use correct ONLINE rates for USPS products 2016-01-15 - version 4.2.14 * Update - USPS January 2016 API Updates https://www.usps.com/business/web-tools-apis/2016-jan-webtools-release-notes.rtf * Update - Remove deprecated USPS services (Box Rate C, Priority Mail Express Flat Rate Box) * Update - Update flat rate shipping prices * Fix - Resolved several PHP warnings 2015-12-11 - version 4.2.13 * Fix - Update international rates 2015-07-30 - version 4.2.12 * Tweak - Update flat rates. * Tweak - Added back Metered Letter. * Fix - Rate calculation for a number of international rates has been fixed. 2015-07-30 - version 4.2.11 * Fix - Calculating rates for Brunei now works correctly * Fix - Remove use of sslverify=false in remote requests * Added a check when saving the User ID field to make sure that the ID is valid. 2015-07-24 - version 4.2.10 * Fix - Ensure the XML response is of the correct data type before beginning parsing, now that we use WC_Safe_DOMDocument 2015-07-15 - version 4.2.9 * Fix - Error when non valid rate is returned. 2015-07-15 - version 4.2.8 * Tweak - Removed tube rates which are not really 'flat' rates. 2015-07-15 - version 4.2.7 * Fix - Sanitize XML responses. * Fix - Added missing Priority Mail® Hold For Pickup rate. * Tweak - More debugging notices added. 2015-07-10 - version 4.2.6 * remove international medium tube 2015-06-30 - version 4.2.5 * Corrected i99 tube price. 2015-06-19 - version 4.2.4 * Round price adjustments. 2015-04-28 - version 4.2.3 * Append svc commitment to rate names. 2015-04-21 - version 4.2.2 * Fix inccorect B2 dimension 2015-03-11 - version 4.2.1 * Fix inccorect B2 dimension * Report boxes packed correctly. * Option to exclude countries from USPS shipping. * Update service names. 2015-03-03 - version 4.2.0 * Automatically define regional rate box sizes if regional rates are enabled. * Fix regional rate dimension checks. * Use regional rate box inner dimensions. * Fix box ID generation. 2015-02-27 - version 4.1.10 * When there is a priority and flat rate box priority rate, return only the cheapest. 2015-01-26 - version 4.1.9 * Fix XML for international Rates 2015-01-26 - version 4.1.8 * International box shape fixes. * Fix dimensions for priority mail flat rate medium. * Remove depreciated functions. 2015-01-13 - version 4.1.7 * Fix international value of package. * Fix GXG rates. 2014-12-02 - version 4.1.6 * Only set container for large packages. 2014-11-27 - version 4.1.5 * Set container to RECTANGULAR for domestic requests for more accurate rates vs the website. 2014-11-04 - version 4.1.4 * Do media mail check when products do not have dimensions. 2014-11-02 - version 4.1.3 * Fix weight based shipping when dealing with multiple split packages. 2014-10-13 - version 4.1.2 * Add additional Large Flat Rate Box * Update box packer 2014-10-08 - version 4.1.1 * Clarify Flat Rate selections * Update box packer 2014-09-04 - version 4.1.0 * Updated flat rate box prices. * Updated for Sep 2014 API changes. * Note on API: If dimensions (, , , ) are provided in the request, they will be used to filter out Flat Rate options where the packaging is smaller than the dimensions provided. 2014-07-21 - version 4.0.0 * Added medium tube rates. * Updated textdomain. * Refactored main file. * Refactored rates and boxes into own files. * New option to handle unpacked items; ignore, fallback cost, abort, or quote. * Updated box packer to allow custom volumes for boxes. * Updated box packer to choose suitable items for tubes (if defined). * Updated box packer to better deal with flexible packets. * Added international padded flat rate envelope. 2014-06-03 - version 3.7.5 * Prevent autoloading of transients by setting expirey. * Allow transients to be used for all requests. Caused live mode to fail on certain queries. 2014-05-29 - version 3.7.4 * Added missing box name when adding box. * Make first class filters run for weight based shipping too. 2014-05-15 - version 3.7.3 * Added filters to disable first class rates 2014-05-14 - version 3.7.2 * Tweak sizes used in checks 2014-05-12 - version 3.7.1 * Fix rate skipping checks * Add box name for easier debugging 2014-05-01 - version 3.7.0 * Handle first-class and regional rate size restrictions due to API limitations 2014-04-24 - version 3.6.3 * Added First-Class Mail® Metered Letter * Filter flat rate boxes 2014-03-28 - version 3.6.2 * Fix dimension check in weight_based_shipping 2014-01-16 - version 3.6.1 * Fix commercialflag for international shipping requests 2014-01-02 - version 3.6.0 * MX max weight increased to 70lbs * Updated rates for 2014 * WC 2.1 compatibility * Changed the way transients store data 2013-11-13 - version 3.5.1 * Force media mail to array 2013-10-29 - version 3.5.0 * Option to limit media mail to specific shipping classes 2013-09-13 - version 3.4.0 * Option to add fees to flat rate boxes * Re-organized settings * Fixed notices 2013-09-13 - version 3.3.2 * Fixed lbs conversion * Include un-translated country names 2013-09-13 - version 3.3.1 * Version bump for beta testers. 2013-09-05 - version 3.3.0 * Weight based shipping option for small packages * Added online rates for flat rate boxes * Added priority mail express international flat rate boxes * Rather than abort on missing dimensions, use '1' for each dimension/weight. 2013-08-22 - version 3.2.6 * Express mail is now priority mail express 2013-08-12 - version 3.2.5 * Prevented case where domestic rate names showed up for international orders. * Added letter option to box packing to get envelope rates. 2013-08-09 - version 3.2.4 * renamed international 'flats' to Large Envelope. 2013-08-04 - version 3.2.3 * Choose between online and offline rates in admin 2013-07-23 - version 3.2.2 * Ensure code is set when getting quotes * Fix first-class domestic rates 2013-07-14 - version 3.2.1 * Set debug default to no 2013-06-22 - version 3.2.0 * Switched to ONLINE rates * Added Regional Rate Boxes * Similar rates are merged + new UI for services 2013-06-21 - version 3.1.11 * Improved error handling for API downtime 2013-05-13 - version 3.1.10 * Change service names for flat rate boxes 2013-05-13 - version 3.1.9 * Added other d0 rates * Quote 1 day in future. 2013-05-13 - version 3.1.8 * Truncate zip to 5 chars 2013-04-12 - version 3.1.7 * Flat rate priority/express optional. 2013-02-26 - version 3.1.6 * Updated USPS flat rates to new costs. 2013-02-01 - version 3.1.5 * Rename flat rate boxes 2013-02-01 - version 3.1.4 * Republic of Ireland workaround 2013-01-30 - version 3.1.3 * Show priority flat rate before express flat rate * Parcel Post -> Standard Post 2013-01-30 - version 3.1.2 * Added flat rate medium box * Saved the world from rogue d55 flat rate box 2013-01-29 - version 3.1.1 * Fix virtual item detection 2013-01-29 - version 3.1.0 * Broke flat rate boxes into 2 groups - express and priority. This offers 2 rates instead of one. 2012-12-04 - version 3.0.0 * Complete rewrite using USPS's latest API's