*** Westpac & St. George NET Gateway Change Log *** 2024.04.01 - version 2.5.7 * Re-compress zip to avoid "Incompatible Archive" error in Wordpress 2024.03.07 - version 2.5.6 * Fix for 3DS2 authentication AJAX call 2024.02.19 - version 2.5.5 * Remove Direct Post method, no longer offered by Payway * Added support for refunds for Trusted Frame transactions 2023.10.19 - version 2.5.4 * Remove deprecated warnings for PHP 8.2 * Add wc-processing class to checkout form before Trusted Frame processing 2023.04.21 - version 2.5.3 * Fix for handling 3DS2 authentication errors 2023.04.17 - version 2.5.2 * Added server side validation for reCAPTCHA when using Trusted Frame 2023.03.22 - version 2.5.1 * Fix to show reCAPTCHA settings fields when Trusted Frame is selected * Fix for reCAPTCHA validation when a non-Payway gateway is used 2023.02.14 - version 2.5.0 * Added support for 3D Secure v2 with Trusted Frame * Use order number as customer reference for basic Trusted Frame payments * Added stored order meta for Trusted Frame payment result datetime and amount fields 2022.12.12 - version 2.4.0 * Added support for Hosted Payment Page * Deprecated Direct Post. Users of Direct Post will be switched to Hosted Payment Page automatically. 2022.11.10 - version 2.3.1 * Fix for deprecated syntax in PHP 8.1 2022.10.19 - version 2.3.0 * Added Saved Cards functionality for Trusted Frame 2022.07.25 - version 2.2.1 * Fix for Direct Post transaction amount appearing incorrectly in order notes when amount > $999 2020.10.05 - version 2.2.0 * Direct Post - add option to trigger receipt email from Westpac to customer * Replace deprecated functions 2020.09.25 - version 2.1.1 * Trusted Frame now submits customer's IP to Payway 2020.08.11 - version 2.1.0 * Added option to enable reCAPTCHA on payment page for Direct Post and Trusted Frame 2020.02.07 - version 2.0.10 * Minor fix for NET timing issue where order is set to pending on thankyou page as order is marked as processing 2019.12.09 - version 2.0.9 * Fix for Direct Post - added support for OpenSSL instead of mcrypt which is not available in PHP 7.2 2019.03.21 - version 2.0.8 * Corrected IP address message in admin * Adding backwards compatibility support for description filter change * Fix for Trusted Frame - wait for page load before initalizing trusted frame 2018.12.06 - version 2.0.7 * Allowing filter on description field 2018.09.03 - version 2.0.6 * Update cacerts.crt 2018.07.24 - version 2.0.5 * Fix for API call logging error 2018.02.13 - version 2.0.4 * Fix for Trusted Frame on Pay For Order endpoint 2018.01.05 - version 2.0.3 * Fix for Trusted Frame after updated checkout page 2017.12.05 - version 2.0.2 * Remove unnecessary return_url property * Added support for a new error "Your facility does not have the required module." * Switched from ipconfig.me to ipconfig.co for determining external IP 2017.11.21 - version 2.0.1 * Fix for error when renewing API Key for Trusted Frame 2017.10.25 - version 2.0.0 * Added new integration method: Trusted Frame * New users will default to Trusted Frame, existing sites will continue on Direct Post after upgrade * Added spinner gif on Direct Post page after entering card details 2017.10.15 - version 1.5.3 * Fix for user message shown from successful payment following failed payment * Updated use of woocommerce_empty_cart function to wc_empty_cart 2017.04.07 - version 1.5.2 * Fix for accessing order key in older versions of WC (< 3.0) 2017.03.13 - version 1.5.1 * Updated cacerts.crt provided by Westpac * Fix for accessing order variable in WC 2.7 2016.09.22 - version 1.5 * Adds support for Mastercards starting with 2 * Errored payments now log to WC logs 2015.07.29 - version 1.4.1 * Fix for CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST notice * Fix for redefined function (if using multiple Australian payment gateways) 2014.08.27 - version 1.4 * Added support for St. George Payway 2014.05.05 - version 1.3.1 * Fix for hidden fields being returned by Westpac affecting parameter decryption 2013.12.01 - version 1.3 * Added WooCommerce 2.1 compatibility 2013.12.01 - version 1.2.2 * Added support for Sequential Order Numbers extension 2013.09.23 - version 1.2.1 * Updated to use certs file 2013.06.13 - version 1.2 * Switch to using get_header hook for result decryption * Displaying CURL external IP instead of server IP in admin 2013.06.04 - version 1.1 * Bug Fixes 2013.04.25 - version 1.0 * First Release