*** Payment Express (PxPay + PxPost) Changelog *** 2024.01.11 - version 4.9.4 * Fix: PLUGINS-2401 - Woo QI Test Issues. 2023.11.01 - version 4.9.3 * Fix: PLUGINS-2300 - Error on order listing page. 2023.08.29 - version 4.9.2 * Update: PLUGINS-2139 - Update Checkout Visa logo and check others are still current. * Other: PLUGINS-1307 - Check Google Analytics GA4 compatibility. 2023.08.09 - version 4.9.1 * Update: PLUGINS-1927 - Woo HPOS Compatibility Audit/Upgrade. 2022.10.26 - version 4.9.0 * Update: Tested for WC 7.0 compatibility. 2022.08.28 - version 4.8.0 * Update: PLUGINS-819 - Test multi site compatibility. * Fix: PLUGINS-542 - Fix 3D Secure error. * Fix: PLUGINS-1508 - Fix ovesized icons on checkout. * Fix: PLUGINS-1483 - Minor wording adjustments. 2022.03.24 - version 4.7.0 * Add: PLUGINS-531 - Add feature to display the error message on the admin dashboard, if Windcave credentials entered wrong. * Add: PLUGINS-1185 - Add funtionality in Woo for Merchants to Complete Auth transactions. * Add: PLUGINS-369 - Add a Windcave logo next to payment choice same as Paypal. * Fix: PLUGINS-818 - Check and fix credit card failed payment, but doesn't change order status at 2nd try. * Fix: PLUGINS-477 - Fix Subscriptions recurring Payment Issue. 2021.08.31 - version 4.6.1 * Fix: PLUGINS-1190 - Resolve endless loop on redirect to Windcave. 2021.08.25 - version 4.6.0 * Add: PLUGINS-520 - Add option to process as Auth transactions. 2021.01.28 - version 4.5.0 * Add: PLUGINS-847 - Add option to show/hide payment method icon 2021.01.19 - version 4.4.0 * Fix: PLUGINS-523 - Windcave - Wrong Order Id saved in Windcave Dashboard. 2020.07.21 - version 4.3.0 * Add: PLUGINS-513 - Added feature to "Refund via Windcave" button. 2020.07.07 - version 4.2.0 * New: PLUGINS-510 - Support for [Order Numbers for WooCommerce] plugin. 2020.07.02 - version 4.1.0 * Update: PLUGINS-497 - Deprecated function removed- "get_checkout_url()" * Fix: PLUGINS-490 - Fixed- success and failed URL not working correctly. 2020.06.11 - version 4.0.0 * Update: PLUGINS-439 - I have replaced the word 'DPS' or 'Payment Express' with 'Windcave'from the plugin file names, as well as the user messages/labels that are displayed in the wp backend. * Update: PLUGINS-392 - Hybrid plugin code merged. * Update:PLUGINS-391 - Improving plugin code Standard. 2020.05.25 - version 3.2.0 * New: PLUGINS-363 - Add New Feature - I have added new checkbox option [Redirect to order info page (appears just before actual redirect to Payment Express page)] by default checked and hence by default order info page will appear. 2020.03.20 - version 3.1.0 * Fix: Plugin conflict error while installing the plugin. 2019.03.28 - version 3.0.0 * Add: Support for WordPress multi site. 2018.12.06 - version 2.9.0 * Fix: Deprecated error messages. 2017.11.30 - version 2.8.0 * Fix: "Filename cannot be empty" error messages. 2017.11.20 - version 2.7.0 * Fix: "-1" success url page issue. 2017.11.16 - version 2.6.0 * Fix: Stock reduction bug. 2017.09.27 - version 2.5.0 * Update: Support WooCommerce 3. * Remove: Default value from Success URL. * Update: Px-Pay URL description updated to mention the UAT Test url. 2016.12.15 - version 2.3.2 * Fix: for sequential order numbers 2016.10.12 - version 2.3.1 * Fix: Moved html part out from the main plugin class 2016.10.05 - version 2.3.0 * Remove: Bug associated with success/fail urls introduced in version 2.1.0 * Add: Support for localization * Add: Implemented plugin's own text domain 2016.08.04 - version 2.2.0 * Add: Support for WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers plugin. 2016.07.29 - version 2.1.0 * Add: Two new fields added for success and failure URLs on setting apge. * Update: Improved the code for the efficiency. 2016.05.27 - version 2.0.0 * Fix: Bug which keeps site reloading when customer returns after a failed payment. * Update: Plugin is compatible with Woocommerce 2.6.1 2016.05.21 - version 1.9.4 * Add: get_woocommerce_currency() function to improve the compatibility with 3rd party plugins. 2016.03.15 - version 1.9.3 * Add: Ajax loading image within plugin files as it was removed from Woo image directory. 2016.01.26 - version 1.9.2 * Add: get_woocommerce_currency() function to improve the compatibility with 3rd party plugins. 2015.10.15 - Version 1.9.1 * Add: textfield to let admin change PxPay access url. 2015.05.29 - Version 1.9.0 * Add: Support to use Order numbers instead of Post ID. 2014.09.03 - Version 1.8.0 * Update: Tidied up checkout process redirection. 2014.01.17 - Version 1.7.0 * Add: Support for WooCommerce 2.1 & WordPress 3.8 2013.10.11 - Version 1.6.2 * Add: "htmlentities()" around the billing name sent to DPS. As otherwise, any "&" in the name caused the redirect to DPS to loop infinitely. 2013.08.08 - Version 1.6.0 * Update: Re-applied changes that were lost when WooCommerce reverted the plugin back to Version 1.2 * Fix: Fixed 64-character DPS "Merchant Reference" bug * Remove: "Access URL" field from Admin Settings page * Add: "Merchant Reference" field to Admin Settings page 2013.06.21 - version 1.5.0 *Update: Addressed issues with newer versions of Wordpress. 2013.04.10 - version 1.3.0 * Update: Now supports Woocommerce 2.0. 2013.02.12 - version 1.2.0 * New: Invoice number now posted to Payment Express. * Update: Small visual improvements. 2012.12.05 - version 1.1.1 * Updater 2012.02.09 - version 1.0.0 * New: First Release.