*** Diner Changelog *** 2015.10.29 - version 1.9.11 * Fix - fixed escaping in reservation form for XSS security. woo-table/classes/frontend.class.php 2015.07.24 - version 1.9.10 * Fix - fixed error in query args for menu items on menu and menu full page templates. template-menu-full.php, template-menu.php, includes/custom-post-types/custom-post-type-menu.php, woo-table/classes/posttype.class.php 2014.01.22 - version 1.9.9 * Fix - modified the woo table css to only use the updated and error classes on the reservation settings pages. 2013.03.05 - version 1.9.8 * /woo-table/classes/factory.class.php - Replaces date() with date_i18n() for time display. Removes trailing spaces. * /woo-table/classes/frontend.class.php - Removes trailing spaces. 2013.02.04 - version 1.9.7 * /woo-table/classes/posttype.class.php - Removes duplicate "filter" button from the "Reservations" admin screen. Changes dates used for presentation purposes to use date_i18n() instead of date(). * /woo-table/classes/factory.class.php - Changes dates used for presentation purposes to use date_i18n() instead of date(). * /woo-table/classes/utilities.class.php - Changes dates used for presentation purposes to use date_i18n() instead of date(). * /woo-table/classes/manager.class.php - Changes dates used for presentation purposes to use date_i18n() instead of date(). * /woo-table/classes/frontend.class.php - Changes dates used for presentation purposes to use date_i18n() instead of date(). * /woo-table/widgets/make-reservation.widget.php - Changes dates used for presentation purposes to use date_i18n() instead of date(). 2012.12.12 - version 1.9.6 * includes/js/loopedSlider.js - fix for WordPress 3.5 2012.11.13 - version 1.9.5 * template-menu.php - Fix price ordering on menu page template. 2012.09.20 - version 1.9.4 * /woo-table/classes/posttype.class.php - Remove redundant form tags from the "restrict_manage_posts" method to fix the bulk edit functionality on reservations. * /woo-table/classes/manage.class.php - If using a link from the confirmation e-mail to view reservations, preserve the data between page loads. * /woo-table/classes/frontend.class.php - If using a link from the confirmation e-mail to view reservations, preserve the data between page loads. * /includes/custom-post-types/custom-post-type-menu.php - Remove redundant form tags from the "woo_menu_restrict_manage_posts" function to fix the bulk edit functionality on food menu items. 2012.03.26 - version 1.9.3 * style.css - Removed !important from headings to fix custom typogaphy * includes/theme-actions.php - Fixed output for footer widget title custom typography 2012.03.19 - version 1.9.2 * /woo-table/classes/frontend.class.php - Make sure time displays in 12 hour format in widget, confirmation messages and e-mails, if 12 hour time format is selected in "WooTable Settings". * /woo-table/classes/utilities.class.php - Display time in 12-hour or 24-hour format in the Reservations dashboard widget. 2012.03.14 - version 1.9.1 * index.php - stripslashes on homepage intro messages output * style.css - Hide overflow on content to fix slider bug in Safari (Google Maps API V3 related) 2012.01.24 - version 1.9.0 * /includes/theme-functions.php - Upgraded Google Maps API to V3 * /includes/theme-options.php - Removed Google Maps API key, as V3 does not require an API key * /includes/js/markers.js - Upgraded Google Maps API to V3 * header.php - Upgraded Google Maps API to V3 * footer.php - Moved maps api call to header to accommodate new script * template-location.php - Upgraded Google Maps API to V3 * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-location.php - Upgraded Google Maps API to V3 2012.01.11 - version 1.8.5 * style.css - Removed @font-face and replaced with Google fonts * footer.php - Removed cufon activation script * includes/theme-options - Removed the cufon theme option * includes/theme-actions.php - Load Google fonts * includes/fonts - Delete font-face font files (League Gothic) * includes/js/museo.font.js - Delete file * includes/js/cufon-yui.js - Delete file 2011.12.20 - version 1.8.4 * template-menu.php - Added global $more to allow for more tag and excerpt field * template-menu-full.php - Added global $more to allow for more tag and excerpt field * archive.php - Added woo_image 2011.11.11 - version 1.8.3 * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-staff.php - Display only users from the current blog in a WordPress multisite installation, not from the entire network. * template-staff.php - Display only users from the current blog in a WordPress multisite installation, not from the entire network. * template-fullwidth.php, page.php - removed anchor from page title 2011.11.08 - version 1.8.2 * style.css - Fixed z-index of the Homepage Intro Message Image (conflict with the menu dropdown) 2011.10.28 - version 1.8.2 * template-fullwidth.php, page.php - removed anchor from page title 2011.09.28 - version 1.8.1 * style.css - Fixed @font-face * includes/fonts/* - Replaced font files 2011.09.14 - version 1.8.0 * /woo-table/classes/frontend.class.php, /woo-table/classes/manager.class.php, /woo-table/classes/posttype.class.php, /woo-table/classes/utilities.class.php - Add a filter ( 'wootable_reservation_status_label' ) on the reservation status labels. * /woo-table/assets/woo-table.css - Make sure the reservation status text is white in the WordPress admin. 2011.09.02 - version 1.7.0 * style.css - Added footer-widget styles * footer.php - Added footer-widget areas * includes/theme-options.php - Added footer-widget areas 2011.08.25 - version 1.6.0 * /includes/theme-options.php - Added Video Embed custom field to the "post" post type. * single.php - Added support for woo_embed() to the single "post" display. * style.css - Added CSS styles to provide space below the video on the single "post" display. 2011.08.05 - version 1.5.0 * /woo-table/classes/frontend.class.php - Base-level WPML support for Woo-Table frontend screens. * /woo-table/classes/manager.class.php - Base-level WPML support for Woo-Table reservation management screen. * /woo-table/classes/posttype.class.php - Base-level WPML support for reservations. * /woo-table/widgets/business-hours.widget.php - Code optimisation. * /woo-table/settings/screen.php - Code optimisation. * /woo-table/classes/utilities.class.php - Translation string updates for WPML support. * /woo-table/assets/js/functions-validate.js - Code optimisation * /includes/theme-functions.php - Optimisations and Base-level WPML support. * /includes/custom-post-types/custom-post-type-menu.php - Translation string updates for WPML support. * /includes/featured.php - Translation string updates for WPML support.. * /includes/theme-custom-post-types.php - Translation string updates for WPML support. * /lang/en_GB.po - Rescanned language file. * template-contact.php - Translation string update for WPML support. * page.php - Code optimisation for Base-level WPML support. * template-menu.php - Translation string updates for WPML support. * template-menu-full.php - Translation string updates for WPML support. * single-woo_menu.php - Translation string updates for WPML support. * search.php - Translation string updates for WPML support. 2011.06.23 - version 1.4.2 * /woo-table/classes/factory.class.php - Fixed a bug in the display of business hours when in 12 hour format. 2011.06.15 - version 1.4.1 * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-location.php - Fixed Google Maps marker label to display the address text. 2011.06.13 - version 1.4 * includes/theme-options.php - Added "Image Crop Alignment" to post and menu post type 2011.06.06 - version 1.3.12 * style.css - Fixed navigation z-index 2011.04.13 - version 1.3.11 * /woo-table/classes/factory.class.php - Fixed issue with certain closed hours not being removed from time select box. * /includes/theme-functions.php - Added support for food menu posts to display in tag archives. 2011.04.05 - version 1.3.10 * style.css - Updated @font-face to work in IE * includes/fonts/leaguegothic.eot - Added file for IE explorer @font-face support * css/ie7.css - Removed redundant font-size styling * css/ie8.css - Removed redundant font-size styling 2011.03.30 - version 1.3.9 * /woo-table/widgets/make-reservation.widget.php - Updated to include "at" string in translations. * /lang/en_GB.po - Rescanned translation file. 2011.03.29 - version 1.3.8 * /woo-table/classes/frontend.class.php - Updated confirmation message in Woo-Table "Make a Reservation" widget to translate day names. * /lang/en_GB.po - Rescanned translation file. 2011.03.23 - version 1.3.7 * /woo-table/classes/factory.class.php - Fixed a bug with the 30 minute time interval not displaying all times in the select box. 2011.03.02 - version 1.3.6 * /woo-table/assets/js/functions.js - Fixed a bug with the AJAX requests and jQuery V1.4.4, bundled with WordPress 3.1. 2011.02.19 - version 1.3.5 * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-specials.php - Changed span.details to div.details to be valid according to W3C. 2011.02.17 - version 1.3.4 * /woo-table/classes/frontend.class.php - Fixed issue with multiple bookings on tables of the same number of seats at the same time and date. 2011.02.01 - version 1.3.3 * template-location.php - Fixed directions popup to display using the locale entered under "Theme Options". 2011.01.10 - version 1.3.2 * /woo-table/classes/frontend.class.php - Added support for default permalinks structure in "Manage" URLs sent in e-mails, as well as additional localisation support. * /woo-table/classes/*.php - Added support for additional localisation. * /woo-table/settings/screen.php - Added support for additional localisation. * /woo-table/widgets/make-reservation.widget.php - Added support for additional localisation. * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-location.php - Added support for additional localisation. * /lang/en_GB.po - Regenerated language file to include updated translation strings. 2011.01.04 - version 1.3.1 * template-menu.php - Adjusted food menu items to order by menu_order instead of ID. * template-menu-full.php - Adjusted food menu items to order by menu_order instead of ID. * includes/custom-post-types/custom-post-type-menu.php - Added support for page-attributes to handle ordering of food menu items. * includes/theme-functions.php - Added filter to `posts_orderby` on `menutype` archives to support ordering by menu_order instead of ID. 2011.01.03 - version 1.3.0 * template-menu.php - Removed post limits in food_menu posts as well as optimised query. * template-menu-full.php - Removed post limits in food_menu posts as well as optimised query. * includes/theme-functions.php - Added support for customisable "Send to friend" e-mails via the Theme Options. * includes/theme-options.php - Added "Send to friend" e-mail options to the Theme Options. * woo-table/classes/factory.class.php - Fixed logic in get_reserved_times_for_date(). * woo-table/classes/frontend.class.php - Modified and optimised get_table_to_seat() to work better with get_reserved_times_for_date(). 2010.12.14 - version 1.2.4 * woo-table/settings/screen.php - Fixed minor conflict between WooFramework security update and Woo-Table settings screen. 2010.12.10 - version 1.2.3 * template-menu.php - Fixed bug with menu ordering when 10 or more menu types are present. * template-menu-full.php - Fixed bug with menu ordering when 10 or more menu types are present. 2010.12.06 - version 1.2.2 * woo-table/classes/frontend.class.php - Fixed bug in "status changed" e-mail sending. * woo-table/classes/manager.class.php - Additional optimisation for "status changed" e-mail sending bug fix. 2010.12.04 - version 1.2.1 * template-menu.php - Fixed warning message if no menu ordering is set. * template-menu-full.php - Fixed warning message if no menu ordering is set. 2010.11.30 - version 1.2.0 * includes/custom-post-types/custom-post-type-menu.php - Added ordering functionality to "Menu Types" taxonomy. * template-menu.php - Implemented display ordering functionality for "Menu Types" taxonomy. * template-menu-full.php - Implemented display ordering functionality for "Menu Types" taxonomy. * style.css - Fixed business hours widget styling * styles/*.css - Fixed alt style button hover for Webkit browsers * woo-table/settings/process.php - Added additional fields to settings save process (for closed hours functionality). * woo-table/settings/screen.php - Added additional fields to settings screen (for closed hours functionality). * woo-table/classes/factory.class.php - Added support for closed hours functionality. * woo-table/classes/posttype.class.php - Cleanup and added support for closed hours functionality. * woo-table/assets/js/admin-functions.js - Cleanup on reservation "edit" screen in admin. 2010.11.23 - version 1.1.3 * includes/custom-post-types/custom-post-type-menu.php - Removed "public" keyword from function that was causing a parse error. * includes/theme-js.php - Swapped order of loopedSlider and general.js script enqueues, such that general.js is enqueued last. 2010.11.22 - version 1.1.2 * template-menu.php - Added support for manual excerpts to the_content() on Food Menu items. * template-menu-full.php - Added support for manual excerpts to the_content() on Food Menu items. 2010.11.21 - version 1.1.1 * template-menu.php - Fixed bug causing a PHP error related to woo_food_menu_display(). 2010.11.15 - version 1.1.0 * single-woo_menu.php - Added support for multi-page menu items. * template-location.php - Made directions popup draggable. * template-menu-full.php - Added support for multi-level food menus. * template-menu.php - Added support for multi-level food menus. Fixed a bug in the sorting JavaScript. * woo-table/assets/js/functions.js - Added support for reservation updating. * woo-table/classes/factory.class.php - Updated logic for time display, etc, to accommodate reservation updates. * woo-table/classes/frontend.class.php - Added reservation update functionality. Added support for custom e-mail text via admin. * woo-table/classes/manager.class.php - Added support for custom date format, reservation updates and cancellations. Added support for default permalinks on action URLs. * woo-table/classes/posttype.class.php - Added support for reservation updates, not listing reserved times in time select box. * woo-table/classes/wootable.class.php - Added additional default fields to setup. * woo-table/settings/process.php - Added additional fields to settings save process. * woo-table/settings/screen.php - Added additional fields to settings screen. * style.css - Added styling for additional reservation management options (Cancel, confirm, update) 2010.11.12 - version 1.0.10 * includes/theme-functions.php - fixed bug with saving custom field images 2010.11.08 - version 1.0.9 * includes/widgets/widget-woo-location.php - Fixed issue with map type from the database not integrating correctly. * includes/theme-functions.php - Fixed issue with directions e-mail message. 2010.11.05 - version 1.0.8 * includes/widgets/widget-woo-location.php - Fixed issue with zoom level not being retrieved from database. 2010.11.04 - version 1.0.7 * includes/js/museo.font.js - Updated cufon font file to support special characters * template-menu.php - Fixed bug in "order by price" to accomodate currency strings with more than 1 character. * template-menu-full.php - Fixed bug in "order by price" to accomodate currency strings with more than 1 character. 2010.11.03 - version 1.0.6 * template-menu.php - Adjusted "order by price" to accomodate values over 1000. * template-menu-full.php - Adjusted "order by price" to accomodate values over 1000. * page.php - Adjusted conditional arround the get_sidebar() to fix sidebar display logic. * includes/widgets/widget-woo-location.php - Added ID base for use with Google Maps JS call. * footer.php - Added condition to include the Google Maps JS if the Woo - Location widget is active on the page. 2010.11.02 - version 1.0.5 * /functions/ - FRAMEWORK UPDATE * includes/theme-options.php - added icons * page.php - Fixed sidebar logic. * woo-table/classes/wootable.class.php - Updated call to register_tables() in init() to use internal variables. * woo-table/assets/js/functions.js - Updated confirmation message logic. * woo-table/assets/js/admin-functions.js - Fixed issue with datepicker date selection and updated the times select box to use updated logic. * woo-table/classes/factory.class.php - Updated display_changed_times() and get_times_between() to use after midnight logic. * woo-table/classes/frontend.class.php - Updated time select box to use the display_changed_times() function. Updated ajax_functions() with new display_changed_times(). * woo-table/classes/posttype.class.php - Updated reservations admin to use new display_changed_times() function. * woo-table/settings/screen.php - Added field for time format and commented out days array (already declared in process.php). * woo-table/settings/process.php - Added field for time format to the fields array. * woo-table/widgets/business-hours.widget.php - Added a field for time format to the widget control and implemented functionality in widget content. * woo-table/widgets/make-reservation.widget.php - Updated to use new display_changed_times() function. * includes/theme-functions.php - Updated JS to fix bug with ratings not saving to the database. 2010.10.28 - version 1.0.4 * style.css - Fixed navigation z-index. 2010.10.26 - version 1.0.3 * style.css - Removed CSS3 gradient to fix nav hover bug in Chrome & improve performance. Fixed a nav hover Cufon related bug. * styles/*.css - Removed CSS3 gradient to fix nav hover bug in Chrome & improve performance. 2010.10.25 - version 1.0.2 * template-location.php - regex fix on email js function * template-menu.php - regex fix on email js function * template-menu-full.php - regex fix on email js function * /includes/custom-post-types/custom-post-type-menu.php - fixed initial content install function * /woo-table/assets/js/admin-functions.js - fixed reservation datepicker js 2010.10.18 - version 1.0.1 * style.css - removed inset shadow on #content (line 165) 2010.10.14 - version 1.0.0 * First release!