*** Athena Changelog *** 2015.09.20 - version 1.0.24 * content-product.php - Updates content-product.php for WooCommerce v2.4 compatibility. 2015.09.14 - version 1.0.23 * includes/widgets/* - Updates Widget contructors and update functions for security purposes. 2015.06.04 - version 1.0.22 * includes/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js - Updated prettyPhoto to version 3.1.6. 2014.12.08 - version 1.0.21 * Fix - Hides the spinner in the number input in Firefox. css/woocommerce.css * Tweak - Changes the number of product gallery thumbnails to 3 per row. includes/theme-woocommerce.php 2014.04.07 - version 1.0.20 * Fix - Product slider hovers on iOS. css/woocommerce.css 2014.03.07 - version 1.0.19 * Fix - Updated fitvids to the latest stable version. includes/js/third-party.js 2013.02.18 - version 1.0.18 * Fix - Portfolio archive page and page template pagination fix. loop-portfolio.php, includes/theme-action.php, includes/theme-options.php 2013.12.11 - version 1.0.17 * New - WooCommerce 2.1 Styling. css/woocommerce.css 2013.11.11 - version 1.0.16 * includes/portfolio-slidershow.php - Fix magic quotes issue. * includes/home-shop.php - Fix magic quotes issue. * includes/intro-message.php - Fix magic quotes issue. 2013.09.11 - version 1.0.15 * includes/theme-actions.php - Removed deprecated codes. * includes/theme-js.php - Fixed "Pause on Hover" setting issue. * includes/js/featured-slider.js - Fixed "Pause On Hover" setting issue. * styles/light.css - Fixed blog active pagination text color. 2013.07.26 - version 1.0.14 * includes/js/general.js - Fix for touch events in the Portfolio Slideshow section when using an iOS device. * includes/portfolio-slideshow.php - Fix for touch events in the Portfolio Slideshow section when using an iOS device. * style.css - Fix for touch events in the Portfolio Slideshow section when using an iOS device. 2013.06.25 - version 1.0.13 * includes/js/general.js - Fixed issue with header cart dropdown not opening. * style.css - Changed home portfolio margins from ems to px. 2013.05.28 - version 1.0.12 * css/woocommerce.css - Added styling for review form in lightbox. 2013.04.01 - version 1.0.11 * /includes/js/featured-slider.js - Ensure that all boolean values are translated correctly from the theme options. * /includes/theme-js.php - Make sure $pagination is set to 'true' when pagination is enabled, despite having manual pagination controls. 2013.03.08 - version 1.0.10 * header.php - Replaced nav toggle HTML char with img (HTML char #9776 not supported in Android) * style.css - Styling for nav toggle. Fixed
 * /images/ico-nav-toggle.png - Added image
 * /css/woocommerce.less,
   /css/woocommerce.css - Hides HTML5 quantity selectors from "number" input fields. Fixes colour of "chosen" select box text on frontend. Chckecout validation styling. View cart link styling in archives. .quantity width fix for cart.
 * /includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Adding WooCommerce support to theme. Fixes WooCommerce pagination.
 * includes/home-shop.php - Now uses get_product().
 * includes/theme-actions.php - Resolved $important_text notice.
 * includes/js/general.js - Cart toggle script loads on on window.load.

2013.03.06 - version 1.0.9
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Adding WooCommerce support to theme

2013.01.18 - version 1.0.8
 * /includes/home-shop.php - Replaced woocommerceframework_header_add_to_cart_fragment() with athena_print_minicart().
 * /includes/js/third-party.js - Replaced fitVids with a newer version.
 * /includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Added new function athena_print_minicart().

2013.01.15 - version 1.0.7
 * includes/js/portfolio.js - fixed portfolio stacking bug with WP 3.5

2013.01.08 - version 1.0.6
* includes/woocommerce.css - Updated with new WooCommerce 2.0 CSS Classes & improved Product Search widget styling.
* style.css - Fixed search page layout issue.
* includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Mini-cart now updates dynamically.

2012.12.19 - version 1.0.5
* includes/woocommerce.css - Fixed alignment of products and shop pagination in mobile mode.

2012.11.29 - version 1.0.4
* loop-portfolio.php - Fixed issue with Lightbox not loading Vimeo videos.
* includes/woocommerce.css - Fixed table background color in the WooCommerce Tabs section.

2012.11.26 - version 1.0.3
 * includes/theme-functions.php - fixed Subscribe Connect widget title
 * style.css - Removed background from static homepages

2012.11.06 - version 1.0.2
 * style.css - Fixed Portfolio Tags in IE8, equal spacing between portfolio items and custom typography options.
 * css/theme-woocommerce.css - Fixed custom typography issue that caused items products to display stacked due to increased font size.
 * loop-portfolio.php - Added support for embed videos in the Portfolio template.

2012.09.27 - version 1.0.1
 * index.php - Added check to prevent Shop component from being loaded if WooCommerce is not activated.
 * style.css - Fixed Portfolio Slideshow bug on Firefox and table styling.
 * css/woocommerce.css - Improved WooCommerce widget styling.

2012.09.25 - version 1.0
 * First release!